
Konrad's Rumbles

'eres where we putz da pics of da akshun.
Thanks, I think. "Sick" is a good thing now right? I lived in Japan for some years and my English is a little out of date. :) So are my emocons.
What are the stats on a stegadon? I think Eldar Exodites should be a fully formed Gorkamorka faction.
We are test playing some optional vehicle rules. The dinosaur is just a standard Trukk, with Legz as a propulsion type. Moves through terrain like a Trakk, Thrusts 4" but gets a +1ST when ramming footers. I'll be putting them up in the Vault in a bit, still working the bugs out of the Flyer roolz. I was totally inspired by Flamekebab's? Feral Orks and I have a buddy with an 40K army of Dinosaur Exodites. (I'll put some links in the June Rumbles thread.

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