Sumptown Tribemeet 2021

Sumptown Tribemeet 2021

Beautiful table man - I absolutely love it.
I'm trying to build a sump table of my own. Do you mind me asking what mat you used?
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Reactions: Tiny
Beautiful table man - I absolutely love it.
I'm trying to build a sump table of my own. Do you mind me asking what mat you used?
Thank you.

The mat is my own design I had custom printed by Deep Cut Studio.
Hello Tiny,

Bought your design a couple of days ago and placed an order with Deepcut today. Just wanted to say thanks for the beautiful design. Can't wait for it to arrive.

I bought the cloth version from DC. I had previously only purchased neoprene mats from them previously but hope that the cloth mat will also be nice.
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Reactions: Tiny
Hello Tiny,

Bought your design a couple of days ago and placed an order with Deepcut today. Just wanted to say thanks for the beautiful design. Can't wait for it to arrive.

I bought the cloth version from DC. I had previously only purchased neoprene mats from them previously but hope that the cloth mat will also be nice.
Awesome. Let us know how the cloth mat works out. I'm interested in trying some in the future in the hope that they'll lay over hills better than neoprene.
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Reactions: Aris14

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