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    N18 Delaque campaign advice

    It can be but if you stick something like Infiltrate on there as well it more than makes up for it. Also the second Wound will help keep your expensive weapon on the field since your opponent will almost certainly panic and immediately attack your Webber (with good reason it's a very deadly...
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    N18 (Another) Help My Delaque Starting Roster

    As others have already said, the Shotgun is a pretty good weapon for most gangs, and Delaque getting Executioner Shells on the house list (and with Cunning access) is the icing on the cake. Very funny (and strong) option to mess around with. The Psy-Gheist is very swingy, they will usually do...
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    N18 Just looking for some feedback

    You could potentially move that Needle Rifle onto your Matriarch and use her for shooting and then specialise the Queen more for close combat? Could drop the Knife (backup weapons like that are usually bought later rather than at creation when credits are quite tight) and get something else...
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    N18 Redemptionist-heavy Cawdor

    For me the greatest advantages of the Redemptionist models specifically is some of the melee weapons they have access to. Chainaxes are a very good pick, they're (IMO) the single best weapon if you want a melee Deacon to take advantage of the funny attack doubling gimmick. The Eviscerator will...
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    N18 Delaque campaign advice

    The first list looks better to me, although I would look at possibly swapping the Web Gun to the Champion and the Long Rifle to the Specialist? You can probably test both and see what you like more tbh, there's definitely advantages to both on the Champion (dependent largely on the Skill you...
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    N18 Badzone enforcers champ skill

    Personally I rate Hip Shooting a bit more on a single Champion since it doesn't require them to deploy up to board alone and exposed in order to be used.
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    N18 Collected Errors/Typos in Book of Outlands (Nomads & Squats)

    Maybe not an "error" but it's kinda funny that Nomads all have an Ash Cloak as standard and therefore a free Respirator...but they all also have the standard Respirator on their lists too.
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    N18 Delaque Sprue

    I used Scion Lasguns with the power feeds cut off for mine since I thought they vaguely fit the Delaque weapon aesthetic.
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    N18 Newbie gang playing style questions

    To fill in the gaps: Corpse Grinder Cultists Pure melee and extremely good at it. They have access to a lot of very powerful tools like masks that mess with the ability to shoot at them and mass infiltrating goons that can annoy the enemy with Smoke Grenades or set them on fire, and basically...
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    N18 Gene-Smithing

    I'd use that stat for a cheeky Hand Flamer tbh, would be a nasty surprise.
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    N18 Gene-Smithing

    If you want to meme a bit you can get a Forge Born to Move 6 by making them a Proto-Goliath.
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    N18 House of Blades (General discussion)

    There's a bit of fluff that mentions Abhumans so they are probably meant to be actual Ogryns afaik
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    N18 House of Blades (General discussion)

    The goons are still the standard issue fat chaps with auto/Laspistol + Knife yeah, none of the profiles have changes as far as I can see.
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    N18 House of Blades (General discussion)

    Idk if it's been mentioned yet, but the Cold Traders now just add Sling Guns and Armourweave to the house list instead of reducing their rarity.
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    N18 Hi! Looking to get started with Necromunda, anyone wanna help? (Orlocks)

    Taking Autoguns instead of spamming Boltguns is also far more fluffy and much less likely to make people not want to play against you for what it's worth. They're also actually pretty good despite what people seem to think, and can load a variety of interesting ammunition.
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    N18 Let's discuss balance (points costs)

    Yeah, unfortunately the Blunderbuss is one of the only things Cawdor have going for them what with the bizzare skill/stat mismatch on their champions, being locked out of most of the good skilltrees, and their stats overall kinda sucking. Not saying it isn't strong because the thing is brutal at...
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    N18 New enforcers (not so) theory hammer

    That and the fact that at least two other members of your team must be the same type as your Captain (either Palanite or Subjugator).
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    N18 Collected Errors/Typos in The Book of Judgement

    I'm leaning towards the Bosun and Scum having their stats the wrong way round, and the Scum should have the weedy S2 and the Bosun should be the beefy brute.
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    N18 Hi! Looking to get started with Necromunda, anyone wanna help? (Orlocks)

    The Space Marine Mark III/IV boltguns fit right in with the Necromunda weapons, about the right size to be kitbashed onto the Shotgun or Autogun arms from the box too.