Search results

  1. G

    Necromunda Lost Ogrid Thaumaturge Hellboy Conversion

    Alas no, but I appreciate you trying. The head and upper torso were the Ogroid, but the legs and right hand were swapped out; maybe with dreadnought bits or some other appropriately sized armour mini.
  2. G

    Necromunda Lost Ogrid Thaumaturge Hellboy Conversion

    Hi guys, Way back when, someone made an awesome Hellboy-like conversion of the ogroid thaumaturge and posted it on one of the Necromunda groups. Present day me can't find an image of the conversion anywhere and I'm wondering if the original poster took it down because I could have sworn I...
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    Orrus Proxy

    Mr. M, you rock! TY
  4. G

    Orrus Proxy

    Help me Yakkers, you're my only hope! Need help finding a modern take on the Orrus suite. Saved a pic of a 3rd party Orrus model someone is producing and for the life of me I can't find it. I'm hoping it's an stl file so I can 3D print one, or failing that I'll just buy the dam thing... if I...
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    Necromunda OOP Necromunda Figures

    Parting with some OOP Necromunda Figures. Buyer pays shipping form Canada BC. Reasonable offers welcome, low ballers need not apply. See pics for details and condition:
  6. Stuffs


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    NCE Community Edition

    Thanks Anthony.
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    NCE Community Edition

    @Anthony Thanks for all your hard work keeping our game alive and current. Sorry to see you go but glad to hear your stamp will be on the last update. As soon as the update goes live I'm heading straight to the printers to run off a copy, fancy paper and all :)
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    Necromunda Need Chunky Weapon Swaps for Custom Gorilla Gang

    Oh there'll be custom rules, just not any time soon. And my access to bits bins is pretty limited where I am in Canada. If I can't find anything I'll try my hand at modeling the weapons myself. How hard can that be...
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    Necromunda Need Chunky Weapon Swaps for Custom Gorilla Gang

    That should cover the hands guns. Thanks Silk.
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    Necromunda Need Chunky Weapon Swaps for Custom Gorilla Gang

    I scored a bunch of the old AT-43 Karmans that I'm converting into a gang/alternate race for Necromunda (: yes, I know, no xenos in Munda! :) Background wise, they'll be an offshoot of the Kinebrach or Jokaero species. They'll be good with tech but physically strong, something like a cross...
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    Looking for some paints

    These guys seem to have the best price per pot for Canada:
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    Looking for some paints

    With Necromunda on the way I've decided to replace/rebuild my paint set, and short of some random GW paints I'm starting pretty much from scratch. Since my first three gangs to paint are going to be Escher, Goliath, and Delaque can anyone recommend a paint set or custom set? I've only ever...
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    My very own kickstarter :)

    Ok, 2" squared spaces and I can do 1" walls
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    My very own kickstarter :)

    What size do you think those new necromunda tiles are?
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    My very own kickstarter :)

    So these scifi tiles, are we thinking with or without walls?
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    My very own kickstarter :)

    I've got some sci-fi /steam punk tiles in the works but I'm planning to release them undera a separate kickstarter. I like the idea for corridor colour varients. I'll put it to the backers and see what they think. Thanks ardavion.
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    My very own kickstarter :)

    Hey Azzabat, do you know anyone over at the Lead Adventure Forum? I've registered for an account but I'm still waiting on a mod to approve me.
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    My very own kickstarter :)

    Thanks threedice.