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  1. Brine

    Necromunda Slave Ogryn Tactics card logo?

    Those will work perfectly, thank you!
  2. Brine

    Necromunda Slave Ogryn Tactics card logo?

    I’m looking for this one specifically: Thanks for looking though!
  3. IMG_9126.jpeg


  4. Brine

    Necromunda Slave Ogryn Tactics card logo?

    I’m not sure if this is the right place for this, but does anyone have a picture of the Slave Ogryn logo from the bottom right side of their tactics cards? I’m making some Ready Markers and need it to trace. I can only find one image online and it is partially covered by other cards.
  5. Brine

    Necromunda One man and his high tech toys - building the hive

    Heck yeah! I'll have to get those new stairs made. Just in time too, as I'm getting close to finishing all the gluing and can't wait to break it out to play: I'd be interested in the specifics of this, if you don't mind sharing.
  6. Brine

    Necromunda One man and his high tech toys - building the hive

    I wonder if the Gun Store or Modular Stair Set #2 ever got finish/uploaded? I can't wait to start making all this stuff.
  7. benderambot.jpg


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  9. road_captain.jpg


  10. wrecker1.jpg


  11. wrecker2.jpg


  12. arms_master.jpg


  13. Brine

    N18 Charging an enemy already in versatile range?

    I know versatile is kind of messy, but is there a functional difference in the rules between ‘engaged’ and ‘engaging’? Obviously you can’t charge if you are engaged, but if you have a Versatile weapon and are in range of an enemy at the start of your activation, can you charge that same enemy?
  14. Brine

    N18 How is the CGC Enrage action applied to movement?

    Hmm, The Book of Ruin does say "move characteristic", which is pretty definitive. I was looking at the newest Bookromunda PDF which just says "movement." Also, my arbitrator has house ruled Enrage to be a basic action and one roll is made at the time of the Enrage action and applies to everyone...
  15. Brine

    N18 How is the CGC Enrage action applied to movement?

    Is the +1D3" to movement applied to each move action taken, or is it +1D3" to my entire movement for the activation? I assumed the former, others in my group said the latter.
  16. autogunner1.jpg


  17. autogunner2.jpg


  18. leader.jpg


  19. melta.jpg


  20. missile_launcher.jpg
