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  1. cainex1

    Some SWA kill teams (and maybe other stuff)

    If the other arm is doing something big and showy (maybe slightly lower than the staff arm?) it could bright some "weight" to the front, perhaps.
  2. cainex1

    Necromunda Back to Necromunda

    Not even a grot could come up with such protective face mask!
  3. cainex1

    Necromunda The ballad of how I lost my mind and decided to paint a ton of stuff

    Nah, it's good. Nice and bulky like sci-fi gothic should be
  4. cainex1

    Necromunda Lifting the roof

    This little interchange has inspired me to make a printable pizza box in Imperial Gothic style...
  5. cainex1

    Necromunda One man and his high tech toys - building the hive

    You could always print out a image of a chasm.. or just ask an ai to make you one and scale it for the hole.
  6. cainex1

    Necromunda Lifting the roof

    Ok... there's some ninja turtles hiding in there somewhere, you can't fool me!
  7. cainex1

    Necromunda Cardyfreak's Necromunda plog

    I have a set and they're more robust than the spindly legs would lead you to believe BUT I would still have some foam to put it in for transport. So, like he said, either have a box with holes for the legs or put it in upside down with some foam inside.
  8. cainex1

    Necromunda Alternative Necromunda Miniature Sources (image heavy)

    Yeah, maybe he likes a good jumper!
  9. cainex1

    Necromunda Cardyfreak's Necromunda plog

    That is a fine marketplace.
  10. cainex1

    Necromunda Back to Necromunda

    Looks like it makes a better baser than most other uses then
  11. cainex1

    Necromunda Back to Necromunda

    That is some grimy rust, good work.
  12. cainex1

    Necromunda Lifting the roof

    The green glow of good health!
  13. cainex1

    Tiny's Stuff - Necromunda, Gorkamorka, 40k etc.

    Adorable little giant crabby boys!
  14. cainex1

    Tiny's Stuff - Necromunda, Gorkamorka, 40k etc.

    VW also approves
  15. cainex1

    Necromunda The ballad of how I lost my mind and decided to paint a ton of stuff

    Oh yes, the Sump Team. We'll get some Cawdor together to guide you to the deepest sumps, chop chop.
  16. cainex1

    Necromunda The ballad of how I lost my mind and decided to paint a ton of stuff

    Just don't let any Mechanicum boys inspect it, it could cause fluctuations in their secondary heart!
  17. cainex1

    Necromunda Cardyfreak's Necromunda plog

    Man, that has a lot of character.
  18. cainex1

    Necromunda Alternative Necromunda Miniature Sources (image heavy)

    Also Maelstrom's Edge broken for bodies, the weapons are VERY different but they scale well and have a few cool heads too. BONUS, the weapons are all separate from the arms.
  19. cainex1

    What I've been doing recently, a painting and modelling log...

    Well, that looks pretty good. Certainly better than your shirt.
  20. cainex1

    N18 Martinis Spyrers

    I like the Pterazi and honestly, their legs are a bit better for the task. The wings too but they seem to need something.. like the aesthetic isn't quite right and I'm not sure what to change.