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  1. N

    Update Underhive Tools Development

    The main difference ( i just went through sorting it ) is the Dominion tracks territories or rackets, Outlanders tracks a Settlment, Structures and Outlander Materials. All of the other campaigns work in the Dominion style, if you add custom territories (Waypoints, Road sections, what have...
  2. N

    N18 Grenade Launcher and Ammo Checks

    Correct. The reason for this is the weapon Trait 'Grenade' that is on all hand thrown grenades, but not on weapons like missle/grenade launchers.
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    Question Roll20 or FoundryVTT for campaigns

    Hey all, first of all, I’m a coding newb, so this has been a chance to find a project and work at teaching myself something new. I’m interested in trying to incorporate some type of virtual interface and map for my next campaign. Having a group meeting to roll income for the week, and do map...
  4. N

    N18 Coup de gras with versatile weapons

    Think you’re wrong there. Consolidate makes no reference to whether you’re still engaged, but instead, all fighters you were engaged with have to be SI or OOA.
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    N18 Genestealer Cult flamers

    Just played a War in the Shadows game where my GSC ganger set one model from each of the opponents gangs on fire, one in turn 1, the other in turn 2, and their models stayed blazed until around turn 6. Now granted, my opponents pincered me, and I only was able to ever bring on a single...
  6. N

    Update Underhive Tools Development

    At the moment, you’d likely just need to add any non standard gangers by using the custom profiles, etc. (Abberants, three armed juve, etc). You might also have to setup the psychic powers as a list of custom skills for your leader. I don’t know that I expect there to ever be a check box for...
  7. N

    Update Underhive Tools Development

    Would it be possible to get the Notes section of a gang to export to its own card, rather than the Gang Details card? More than a line or two and the info gets cut off. Or is it possible to have it export to the bottom of the Gang Sheet instead?
  8. N

    N18 Outlaw Status in Uprising Campaigns

    Hey all curious on people’s take on outlaw vs law abiding gangs when playing in an uprising campaign. is it largely irrelevant? Or only matters if you include access to the trading post and black market? the book of ruin mentions that gangs that seek to become corrupted or genestealer...
  9. N

    N18 Anyone know where I could find the Badzone Delta-7 set?

    pretty sure my local store in Portland, Guardian Games, has a set. I'll try and double check next time im in there.
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    N18 Collected Errors/Typos in The Book of Judgement

    Could the gas shells have an S value for when attacking doors or structures?
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    Necromunda Battle Scribe data files

    I have to admit I haven't looked at this sites program very thoroughly. Writing this file was my first necromunda experience, so it was as much to familiarize myself with the rules as anything else. Now that i've played a game and read the rules, I might get more out of this site. :-[ The...
  12. N

    Necromunda Battle Scribe data files

    Hey all, First post here, but wanted to let you know I drafted up a data file for the army roster program Battle Scribe with all the info from the Community Edition of the rulebook. Battle Scribe has been ported to PC, Macs and mobiles (IOS and Android). Pretty cool... Anyways, the files just...