Or print out all your gang details on a normal sheet of paper, updating by pen and printing a new copy whenever necessary. Have each ganger's loadout represented by a card suit and value and use part of a deck of normal playing cards when random draws are needed. Seems much easier to me.
In the photo in the first post just noticed the L42 on the base. Wonder if this is a reference to the band Level 42 as GW seem rooted to the 80's in many ways.
Miniwargaming have started a 4 gang Gang War campaign which you can find on youtube. Haven't watched the first round yet but the table looks very nice.
Solder wire is good for representing thin pipes and cable runs for texture and detail. Also good for covering joins/gaps on curved surfaces.
Available as lead-free option and in varying thicknesses but something like a pound or two for a metre of the stuff.
Wouldn't surprise me. The terms 'juve' and 'stub gun' appear in Judge Dredd and indeed the whole gang war thing in a hive is not that far removed from a block war in a, err, block. Pretty sure GW released a game called 'Block War' way back.
In fact I recently uncovered a large stash of old (and...
It's equal to or greater so str 4 effectively. Also gives a wound roll even if the target has 'spare' wounds. No saves allowed but respirators add 2 to toughness vs gas.
The chem thrower almost showed its other handy trait in MWG's demo of the sneak attack scenario. As it has no strength there is no mod to the roll for raising the alarm. However, he rolled 10+ after his first shot taking out the first guard so it didn't quite work out!
There will be another 3+ hours of Necromunda content on Warhammer TV this Thursday starting at 1600Z and featuring the new FW model in action.
Also, https://war-of-sigmar.herokuapp.com has a new look at the 3D rules for N17.
Just being mischievous but if the limited card isn't very good they still have to include it in their decks according to the rules as they own a copy!
Cheapskates among us could still have the last laugh :)
Having just re-watched the 1st game I completely agree. The Escher p!ayer moved a lasgun ganger forward then shot when she was already in short range. Why? Could have aimed instead or used the 2nd action to reposition.
Just before the Eschers completely won their left flank they played the card...
He was talking about great fan made content in the community.
Another good comment from him last week was "some people will make their own terrain, which is awesome".
Weapon sprue will be FW and resin. I think the same for juves but not 100%.
Weapon profiles will appear in the new books as...
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