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    Yakday Peterborough 2017

    I hope this becomes a thing :-) kids are getting older so hopefully my available gaming time might increase (who knows!) so I'm hoping I can attend. If it ties in with a GW re-boot of Necromunda it would be ace cheers for now Brother Axel
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    Necrons on angelis (ideas?)

    Hi I've also been thinking about adding Necrons to Gorkamorka, possibly as a player faction. I'm working on a couple of ideas. First I've been thinking about how the rules for Necromunda Spyrers might be inspirational for Necrons. So perhaps the Necron mob begins with a very small but...
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    Gorkamorka Skirmish Report

    Hunt da Dredd! Ok so to our next game, Hunt da Dredd from White Dwarf 216. Alfie chose this mission and wow is it a nasty one for starting mobs. We didn't have too much time so I couldn't take photos. To Alfie's joy I was cursed will ill-luck from the outset, 'Rev' my biker boss and my biker...
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    The Thrusters

    Hi if your not thrusting every turn your doing it wrong :) same for sustained fire . . . never ever fire one shot - it just isn't orky :D cheers Brother Axel
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    Gorkamorka Skirmish Report

    Hi Yep he wasn't best pleased, especially since Skar was the only casualty of the game. Alfie certainly want's a re-match. He spent a couple of hours on Sunday painting some of his mob - which has in turn inspired me to start on mine, and consider sorting out a small 4'x4' GorkaMorka table...
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    The Thrusters

    Hi we've always played it that the thrusters 'reset' every turn. So for a trukk every turn it's 2+, 3+, 4+ etc. cheers Brother Axel
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    Gorkamorka Skirmish Report

    One of da ladz is missin’ So as mentioned Alfie - my son - and myself have started up a small Gorkamorka campaign To add a little variety we’re using the Ork Clan rules from TUGS. Alfie has chosen to play Bloodaxes while I’m running Bad Moons of the Ez-zee riderz mob. This is our second game...
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    While we wait for a GM forum... (oh wait, there it is - thanks Malo!)

    Hi Alfie (my son) started playing when he was about 5 or 6 I guess, certainly not long after he started school - he would have played much earlier if he had the chance. All those lovely toys in cabinets. At first it was just a couple of very simple games of 40k. He moved on to Mordheim for a...
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    While we wait for a GM forum... (oh wait, there it is - thanks Malo!)

    Hi folks after a long absence I've been talked into a bit of GorkaMorka by my son (aged 7) who spotted the box on a shelf and liked the picture. We played a game last weekend and it was an absolute blast. I'm a sucker for skirmish games and I'd forgotten how much fun GM was, cruising around the...
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    Scavvy rule question

    Hi the Scavvies list from the original Outlanders Edition 1 and Second Edition are fairly different. The Outlanders Scavvies were generally a lot meaner. Hordes of the buggers and hordes of cheap plague zombies were all but unstoppable. Second edition hit Scavvies hard with the Nerf stick...
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    Scavvy rule question

    Hi having played a Scavvy gang recently I'd say the weapon restriction is the main problem with the gang. Its very very limited. Apart from autoguns / pistols there is are few viable options open to the gang. You can't even get dum-dums or frag grenades for anyone other than the boss let alone...
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    Ad Mech

    Hi folks thanks for the suggestions I'dlike to keep the Admech gang as close to a recognised list as possible since I want to use the 'gangs' part of Yakromunda to deal with the advances cheers Brother Axel
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    Ad Mech

    Hi folks bouncing back from playing savvies and as a bit of a project I'm thinking about a small Ad Mech army / Necromunda gang for 'munda what gang do you think would be best to base them around Van Saar seem to be the obvious 'house gang' choice but I'm wondering what other options there...
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    Munda Terrain

    Hi mate lol holidays are good for you. honest. And what on earth do you need a dwarf ironclad for? Everyone knows dwarves make terrible sailors ;-) anyhow, I've sent you a PM regarding the munda terrain I have left. The mkI, mkII and production models are all more-or-less compatible, though...
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    Munda Terrain

    Hi Azzabat just checked stock. I have the following cut: 3no. 156mm straight sections (Gantry GE156) 2no. 156mm T Junctions (Gantry GE-156 T-Junction) 1no. 156mm X Junction (Gantry GE-156 X-Junction) 2no. 106mm 90-degree Turns 1no. Set of pods (basically this is the 3 small pods and 3 large...
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    Munda Terrain

    Hi mate I've got a fair bit of stock at the moment - probably enough to cover a 'standard' 4x4 board with ease :-) pictures on Vanguard and earlier in this thread for example. Anything that I don't have I can usually cut within a couple of days. cheers Brother Axel
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    Munda Terrain

    Hi Currently on "Necromunda, Infinity, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Gantry GE156" ... 3a8a54b2ca "Necromunda, Infinity, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Gantry GE-156 T-Junction" ... 3a8a54cfa2 "Necromunda...
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    Munda Terrain

    hi sneak peak of something coming soon cheers for now Brother Axel
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    Munda Terrain

    Hi yep the doors are cut so they can either be left out entirely, glued shut, half open etc. to provide an obstacle or cover. There is also a hatch designed in a similar way in the floor of each of the pieces cheers for now Brother Axel
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    Munda Terrain

    Hi folks the first 3 items have now been listed on they are listed as: "Necromunda, Infinity, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Gantry GE156" "Necromunda, Infinity, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Gantry GE-156 T-Junction" "Necromunda, Infinity, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Gantry GE-156 X-Junction"...