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  1. Oruk.

    Gorkamorka FAQ

    This is cleraly house ruling it, gubbinz are assigned to vehicles, not drivers. :/ But this leads to another question : what happens to a gunner if his Big Gun is swapped between vehicles ? According to the wording in Da Uvver Book p.27, it seems he will remain the gunner.
  2. Oruk.

    Gorkamorka FAQ

    Thanks, I had the same idea looking at the destroyed vehicles rules. This might help a lot Grots mobs to save their gubbins as they can't repair their vehicles :/
  3. Oruk.

    Gorkamorka FAQ

    There is more chance this might look like an ass-kicking than a conversation. Can we unequip Gubbins from a vehicle ? Not sure about it, but my guess is that Gubbins are treated as any other "equipment" and can be sold/hoarded/swapped (Da Uvver Book P.68). Your Thoughts ?
  4. Oruk.

    Gorkamorka FAQ

    Right again, pure RAW :(
  5. Oruk.

    Gorkamorka FAQ

    This seems right to me too.
  6. Oruk.

    Gorkamorka FAQ

    Let's forget about this, I missed something before this Digganob quote : "If an Ork mob with a Slaver captures a Digga they can force them to work in the mines as normal". So it's the second one, they'll be captives who can fight, not regular members.
  7. Oruk.

    Gorkamorka FAQ

    I might have a make a mistake about Captured Shamans earning teefs as slaves, see Digganob p.27 : "The Digga may be added to the Mob roster like a hired Digga and all the rules for having a Digga in the mob apply." So does this means that a captive digga become a full time member of the ork mob...
  8. Oruk.

    Gorkamorka FAQ

    Can we fire a warrior/a vehicle ? (campaign mode) I didn't find anything about it, so I guess we can't. Do we have to charge/shoot at pinned warriors if they are the closest targets or can we skip them like warriors who are down ? Despite being pinned, they are not "down", meaning they remain...
  9. Oruk.

    Gorkamorka FAQ

    Nazgrub is the only "weak" one, costing too much and not reliable. The 3 others are real assets : Da Krusher is a bit hard to handle but remains a crazy ass-kicking machine, Dregmek is the nightmare of close-quarter mobs and Dregutz is a great way to save some teef. So you'll be happy to know I...
  10. Oruk.

    Gorkamorka FAQ

    This could be working but might cost too much teef to handle. We don't have much more informations about how to manage these characters, the only limitation written being maximum one of each per mob. I've seen 3 way of playing these : - only one character of each type for the whole campaign...
  11. Oruk.

    Gorkamorka FAQ

    Digganob p.86 "they suffer serious injuries as normal." To me, this also includes "good" injuries results, such as Bitter enmity and Impressive Scars. Survives against the odds is the only exception as they won't get any xp from this, but the result is kept without rerolling it.
  12. Oruk.

    Gorkamorka FAQ

    as well as Impressive scars or Captured ... for Grots ! :D (and not only Rebel ones) ... but yes this might have been for Digganob.
  13. Oruk.

    Gorkamorka FAQ

    I forgot to bring some help on a pending question : As there's nothing in both books stating they can't, I will say they can (and some of my friends already played it that way). This might look interesting to have cheap drivers/gunners, but in a campaign this will end as a really poor choice...
  14. Oruk.

    Gorkamorka FAQ

    Thanks, I didn't noticed the slight difference in the english version (french one is really confusing). But "injuries" are rolls on the serious injuries table or injuries results (meaning "Multiple injuries" will count for more injuries, and "Full recovery/Bitter enmity/Captured/ ..." won't be...
  15. Oruk.

    Gorkamorka FAQ

    Hi all, here are a few more stupid questions. Da Krusher has no Toughness value, just an armour value, meaning he can't take any wounds, only armor penetrations. Does this mean that he will never leave a mob on his own ? (Digganob p.85 and 86 - Endin' da job) Da Uvver book, p.86 - Scrap...
  16. Oruk.

    Gorkamorka FAQ

    Sounds ok to me. But what if he gets another "captured" result on the Serious injury chart ? :D We might treat it as the multiple injuries result and reroll it I guess.
  17. Oruk.

    Gorkamorka FAQ

    Sorry for the confusion ^^ The question was "regarding shots and rams, are stationary vehicles treated like terrain as written on p.44 ?" We guessed the answer was "no" but wanted to be sure about it as we didn't found much more information in the rulebook :cry:
  18. Oruk.

    Gorkamorka FAQ

    Hi, We're about to run a Gomo campaign at our club but a few questions came up after 2 test games. The hardest one is about stationary vehicles (not only wrecks). The only rules we have about it are p.44 but concerns boarding. How do you treat them regarding shots, ram and accidents ? We have 2...