Search results

  1. The Blotted One

    N18 Custom bounty hunters?

    Hey all, Sorry if this is already well covered elsewhere. I’m looking to add a newly acquired bounty hunter, as part of a Dominion campaign underdog card, to my gang. The one in question is Hagar Freelord. I’ve approached it by building a custom ganger in the customise section, ensuring they...
  2. The Blotted One

    N18 Fighting pit territory - broken?

    Looking briefly at N21, is it not the case that gangers all level up super quickly now?
  3. The Blotted One

    N18 Fighting pit territory - broken?

    Hey, thanks for swift reply. Hmm, yes… we have been playing N19 as we have been playing a campaign over a long time with some big gaps on account of Covid. I did actually find the latest comprehensive rulebook, N21, and was surprised at the big changes to post game rewards. I am guilty of not...
  4. The Blotted One

    N18 Fighting pit territory - broken?

    So I'm thinking about this territory "Fighting pit" that my gang just got. Do I get these Hired Scum after the crew has been picked for the scenario, or are they added to my roster and among the ppl that might go on the scenario? I mean, if the scenario has a starting crew of five random...
  5. The Blotted One


    Looking to get some 3D printed minis for my Necromunda gang cos GW makes the things you want which are impossible to find / buy / afford. Anyone happen to have a decent enough quality 3D printer, pref resin, which could print some flying babies with skull heads for me? Have the files off...
  6. The Blotted One

    N18 Targeting template weapons

    Campaign starting up again and revisting everyones favourite topic... template weapons. Have settled on what I think is a pretty clean combination of everything I've read. Prob nothing new, but just in case. Template House Rules Target priority: template must touch closest model unless...
  7. The Blotted One

    Update Underhive Tools Development

    Hey all, unless I'm missing something it appears as if the 'HOUSE CAWDOR EXECUTIONER' is missing from add hired guns section on the underhive tools. Is there any other way I can add him? Cheers.
  8. The Blotted One

    N18 Bomb delivery rats

    Question, rules state they ignore all terrain rules apart from impassable. They climb freely and cannot fall. How do they move down a level if for example, they have insufficient movement to traverse a surface down? Do they simply drop and ignore the damage sustained? Or does the rat have to...
  9. The Blotted One

    N18 Using Versatile in a Charge

    Ok, cool. SO if I dont charge, there is no bonus to attack. And yup, its cawdor polearms I was thinking about but didnt mention. Thanks!
  10. The Blotted One

    N18 Using Versatile in a Charge

    Very basic Q's: 1) do you need to charge in order to be in combat? Can you simply walk up to versatile range for 1 action, then fight them for a second action? 2) does charge and versatile essentially give you a 2" extension on your charge? If so, I'm assuming you don't get the +1 attack unless...
  11. The Blotted One

    Tactics Card Deck Size

    How are you determining card tier levels? Is this off the goonhammer list?
  12. The Blotted One

    Tactics Card Deck Size

    nd just to clarify, those three hands. How did you determine them in the first place? I'm looking to run @sumpthing 's method which I've cleared up accordingly: GANG CARDS Step 1: PRE-BATTLE. Shuffle generic deck, remove broken cards (if not already done). Step 2: Each player counts their...
  13. The Blotted One

    Tactics Card Deck Size

    Ooooh, I like this. Thats quite crisp and clean and kinda feels like how if GW got their act together, in a sort of AoS rules writing manner, they might word it. Thanks!
  14. The Blotted One

    N18 Tactics Cards used during Choose Crew step?

    This is mega useful.
  15. The Blotted One

    Tactics Card Deck Size

    OMG, FINALLY! Someone has actually written a clear and to my mind, workable solution. YES, I will do this. THANK YOU! x
  16. The Blotted One

    N18 Tactics Cards used during Choose Crew step?

    Yup, its super clunky and I'm all onboard with peoples suggestions. I've just yet to hear one which actually makes sense. lol. Help me Obiwan. Rules writing aint THAT easy, whadda ya know?!
  17. The Blotted One

    N18 Tactics Card Management & Distribution in Multiplayer Campaigns

    Ok, and what happens if you draw cards that arent for your specific gang? Or are you saying you mix these in for each person before they draw, then remove before the next player chooses with their respective cards mixed into the larger deck? ps are you having fun yet!? lol :)
  18. The Blotted One

    N18 Tactic cards deck composition

    So, when a scenario says you get three cards - are you saying that beforehand each player has randomly pre-drawn a deck / pool of 10-15 from (as in my case a large shared deck, omitting any broken cards), and that the 3 cards you are requested to draw from the scenario are drawn from this deck /...
  19. The Blotted One

    N18 Tactics Cards used during Choose Crew step?

    Apols if this is kinda cross posting, but I've yet to get something definitive on this (and yes... I totally get thats the deal with munda). But maybe you can enlighten me. Can someone explain how the tactics cards, drawn pre-game are mixed, i.e. with generic cards and gang specific cards...