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  1. 24E76427-5462-433E-86D3-C63360746135.jpeg


    “Why won’t you rotate, dammit!”
  2. Hellfire Club

    Hellfire Club

    Orlock Gang
  3. 7B223F8F-715F-436C-A753-DE6159C35435.jpeg


  4. 3B7FE39B-48D8-44BE-85EC-55F4671E4876.jpeg


  5. F0F8B3B5-E090-48F5-A8C0-D9FD4E534D5F.jpeg


  6. 4B4628D3-493F-4FDE-A48F-9A0DEC55B240.jpeg


  7. Ross

    N17 Orlocks, Gang War 2

    This guy’s got a bunch of really good photos:
  8. Ross

    N17 Orlocks, Gang War 2

    New Escher upgrade weapons spotted at the Weekender.
  9. Ross

    Map based Turf?

    Do you have a link? "YakDay 2017" brings up a lot of search results.
  10. Ross

    Delaque/Van Saar Starting Loadout to watch out for? Grenade Launchers.

    Agreed. I'd be happy to pay more credits and/or take Unwieldy. The Grenade rule is pretty punishing though. I actually played my first few games assuming it had this rule, and it was no fun having it run out of ammo the first time it shot and then not being able to reload it.
  11. Ross

    Delaque/Van Saar Starting Loadout to watch out for? Grenade Launchers.

    And I think it'll only be a problem if you're playing a campaign with randos, or the worst gaming group ever. If one of my friends made a list with four grenade launchers in it I'd tell them where to stick their grenade launchers! "Hey Ross, do you want a game?" "Noooope."
  12. Ross

    Map based Turf?

    Some other maps that could be used as inspiration. Power Grid Axis and Allies Ticket to Ride
  13. Ross

    Map based Turf?

    I wouldn't be surprised if GW release an official map-based campaign in a future Gang War. They've done similar things with 40k and AoS, and it's something a lot of people have enthusiasm for. In my eyes, map campaigns come in two flavours. Either the map is just another piece of background...
  14. Ross

    General Necromunda 2017 Discussion

    Indeed. I guess if you have Goliath or Escher and you're going for a blind date, you'll just have to bring one of each list and then ask your opponent which one they're using.
  15. Ross

    Houserule - working territory

    Are you saying it'd be worded exactly like Seek Rare Equipment, where multiple fighters could take the action, but you only resolve the 2D6 roll once, adding bonuses for other fighters and Turf? I like the sound of that. I haven't played a campaign yet so I don't know if the current system is...
  16. Ross

    Retromunda VS Neomunda

    For my two cents, I'm all aboard the Neomunda train. It needs a lot of FAQing, but as Commisariat said above, it's very refreshing. The new activation system makes the games flow much better, and makes it much more tactical. As someone who plays mostly Bolt Action or 40k, Bolt Action's...
  17. Ross

    Anyone done Escher/Goliath Legacy gang lists?

    I'm sure some people out there have house ruled it, but the Legacy gangs are very much only a placeholder. It was mentioned in the last Twitch stream that once a new list comes out in a Gang War book, the respective house list will be deleted from the Gangs of Legacy pdf. And like you said, you...
  18. Ross

    Alwyas role for capture after one sides bottles?

    Discussed here. And here. In short, a gang should count as having no models on the board if at the end of the game it only has seriously injured fighters on the board. Then you follow the rules for Capturing as written.
  19. Ross

    Delaque/Van Saar Starting Loadout to watch out for? Grenade Launchers.

    I suspect that the Orlocks might not be the only gang that can't give its gangers special weapons. It could be that the Escher and Goliath gangers can take them only because their Champions are more likely to be kitted out for close combat. And like the Orlocks, the other gangs may not have...
  20. Ross

    N17 Orlocks, Gang War 2

    Seems mega illegal, on their part, if they're printing and selling another company's copyrighted material for profit.