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  1. Atom-Cat

    Necromunda The Sump: General hobby venting thread (Beware: old men shouting at clouds)

    Not too bothered by vehicles ... I only like them in micro-scale so unless this set is in 6mm it will be a tough sell. I will check out the new factions if they are on foot. I will pick up any new Orlocks. Ill probably skip the boxed set... unless it contains a ton of stuff that I like at a...
  2. Atom-Cat

    N18 New to N18 - Van Saar questions

    Yes. It real. It’s not the VS players fault GW thought giving players starting 2+ to hit AND access to shooting skills AND some 4+ armour saves in the same gang would be a good idea. So. VS players can try and build balanced lists… or go cheesy. The cheese teams are an auto win in many...
  3. Atom-Cat

    N18 Leader Killed in First Activation of Campaign

    Yeah! And your bet I took that win. That Gambling den was the only thing that kept my gang going through all the ass kickings it received.
  4. Atom-Cat

    N18 Leader Killed in First Activation of Campaign

    Such is life. But the story of your gang now about revenging their fallen leader and which likely lad/lass will rise up and take over the gang. Its not just about winning... its the stories you tell as you play. So now you will play up hill a few games. Or a lot of games. Maybe even every game...
  5. Atom-Cat

    N18 Orlock v Enforcers

    Orlocks will be slightly more effective at shooting, though the Enforcers will have better armour. Neither gang will be very strong at melee, though the Enforcers have slight advantages there. Both sides will rely on boltguns to do damage. But the enforcers at least will not worry about ammo...
  6. Atom-Cat

    N18 Rolling Multiple Injury Dice

    he takes 2 flesh wounds and goes down injured. He is most likely finished as if he recovers he will take a third flesh wound and, assuming he is T3 will be reduced to 0 and removed. Unless you have some skill that can recover flesh wounds.
  7. 14th Army

    14th Army

    My bolt action figures
  8. B2AB082F-E021-43DE-AA51-14E02E1A30E9.jpeg


    No. 1 section with HMG squad
  9. 01CFFF06-17B7-497D-9F2D-438A51784C3F.jpeg


    Daimler Recce vehicle.
  10. 89461EDC-65D8-4C78-BF0E-25104272676F.jpeg


    Ghurkas and AT gun.
  11. 78852E88-7FC8-4F6F-8C3D-97F369E2F7D5.jpeg


    No.2 section and AT boys team.
  12. 93A569D7-9A56-4D6F-8151-0F29D93A2CB0.jpeg


    The Grant tank.
  13. 57F81411-D88A-423F-B4DC-9DB74CB4ECEB.jpeg


    Royal Artillery observer and escort, RE flame thrower team and Platoon HQ
  14. E664552E-9872-43EC-9C97-885EB9AFCD4B.jpeg


    No.3 section and sniper team
  15. Atom-Cat

    *Clack-shick* - it's the Bolt Action thread!

    Mine are a platoon of British infantry of thr 14th Army. I have a Ghurka squad to go with them.
  16. Atom-Cat

    N18 Free weapons and eligible gangers

    personally I think prospects like juves of old should keep to no single item being worth more than 25 creds. Also, regarding the OP, by the rules even if you get a free weapon that you normally cant buy you still have to follow the rules for weapon type. If you pick a special weapon you can...
  17. Atom-Cat

    After Dark. Sinners Post II

    "I am Roadmaster General Mollander Orlock-Doon, and I thank you all for your attendance" The roadmaster general stood at the front of the Wild Deuces club house, which was the upper deck of a crashed rebel corvette from some long forgotten rebellion. Doberman and Hawkins had rigged it up so its...
  18. Atom-Cat

    N18 House of Iron (General discussion)

    It’s his back up. If anyone disarms his hammer he has one punch ... and since he’s now 2+ To hit in cc it’s more reliable than giving it to a boltgunner or shooter. though my specialist also has it. With a boltgun.
  19. Atom-Cat

    N18 House of Iron (General discussion)

    My leader has bolt gun and power pick. His a killer at range and also melee. my arms master has an arc hammers and does serious damage. He can take out a ogryn or ambot... while normal orlocks should avoid combat having some members of your gang capable of it gives you something up your...