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  1. Bilbostomper

    New models incoming

    Par for the course as she's always had a habit of covering models in random texture. 😛
  2. Bilbostomper

    Necromunda One man and his high tech toys - building the hive

    Okay, so I'm calling the army done. The Etsy decals arrived on time, even. It's not quite the list I would have gone with if I had another month or two to paint (I would have gone with more Inceptors and Aggressors instead of Vanguard Veterans and Bladeguard), but I think it's adequate. Now to...
  3. Bilbostomper

    Necromunda One man and his high tech toys - building the hive

    So the Raven Guard allied with the Tyranids to fight the Dark Angels and Chaos Daemons... Okay, so this one was more because of who had fought alongside or against whom recently, and not because it made any sense in the background. I basically took half my tournament army alongside a...
  4. Bilbostomper

    Necromunda One man and his high tech toys - building the hive

    Group shot of the force! Things are pretty much done apart from a good deal of decal work and a few details here and there and some extra basing texture I want to add to some of the models. I had not actually taken a good look at the decal sheet you get with the Raven Guard upgrade set, and I...
  5. Bilbostomper

    Necromunda One man and his high tech toys - building the hive

    Another week and I'm still chugging along on the tournament list. The Scouts are well underway with most of the base layering done and a bit of progress on the highlights and details. That's why they are so dark and drab. Not that they are going to get a whole lot brighter when they are done...
  6. Bilbostomper

    Necromunda One man and his high tech toys - building the hive

    The Jump Intercessors are basically done and I'm moving on to the Scouts. The plan is to give them two weeks and then spend the last two weeks before the tournament on basing details and decals. I had another test game, this time against Necrons. We were playing on time and he clocked out after...
  7. Bilbostomper

    New models incoming

    I know that FB sales were not that great towards the end, but the tale being told that ONE kit outsold all the kits COMBINED in more than a dozen armies obviously doesn't make any sense. At one point someone may have said that this ONE kit outsould all the kits INDIVIDUALLY of all the fantasy...
  8. Bilbostomper

    MusingWarboss goes Historical!

    They have a very informative website…
  9. Bilbostomper

    Necromunda One man and his high tech toys - building the hive

    Weekly progress update. Things are noticeably more black, grey and yellow (the colour of the 2nd company) and not just pure black. I'm giving the Jump Intercessors until the end of this week and then I'm calling them sufficiently done for now, then it's the Scouts and finishing the Lieutenant...
  10. Bilbostomper

    MusingWarboss goes Historical!

    Fun fact, Vallejo Gunship Green is the colour I use for Orc skin!
  11. Bilbostomper

    Necromunda One man and his high tech toys - building the hive

    The game on Monday had to be postponed due to the amount of snow dumped on town at the start of this week and we ended up playing it yesterday. My opponent had Tyranids and this was roughly his list: Winged Hive Tyrant Neurotyrant Norn Emissary Old One Eye w 2 Carnifexes Neurolictor Regular...
  12. Bilbostomper

    New models incoming

    New reveal(s) for Necromunda in a little under two weeks. The 'munda one appears to be this Ash Wastes looking creature. Maybe the Nomads are getting their own book, just like the squats.
  13. Bilbostomper

    FYSC 2025 - Finish your stuff!

    Plans for 2025 Necromunda - Paint up a few more of the assembled Goliaths - Finish the four hive scum models (WIP) - Either paint up a second gang (if we're continuing the current campaign throughout the year) OR add some vehicles to my Goliaths (if we decide to start an Ash Wastes campaign)...
  14. Bilbostomper

    Necromunda One man and his high tech toys - building the hive

    I have realized that I need to prioritize getting my Marines painted up before the tournament in February, so for a while this is just going to be black minis slowly being slightly less black. Here's a bit of progress. The Outriders are mostly done and I've done a little bit on the Eradicators...
  15. Bilbostomper

    N18 Versatile Clarification Question

    The rules are not wholly clear on the issue, but the interpretation that causes the fewest problems is that a versatile weapon makes you count as engaged for the purpose of attacks with that weapon only.
  16. Bilbostomper

    What's on your mind?

    So I just got back from watching Hobo Dracula - sorry, I mean Robert Eggers' Nosferatu. Man, what a let down after the magnificent Northman. The visuals are great, but the script (by Eggers) has no tension whatsoever and the actors - with the honorable exception of Willem Dafoe - entirely lack...
  17. Bilbostomper

    Necromunda One man and his high tech toys - building the hive

    As I sit here and watch the snow fall outside on the last day of the year, it is time to both look back at the year that is almost gone, and forward onto the next. 2024 has, for me personally, at times been just awful, but the last few months at least have been pretty good. I have played five...
  18. Bilbostomper

    New models incoming

    They announced that last Sunday, yeah. I’m splitting an upgrade set with a friend to equip my Hernkyn Yeagirs.
  19. Bilbostomper

    Necromunda Cardyfreak's Necromunda plog

    3d printing is good fun and I hope you get a lot of awesome stuff out of it. Here is your next big project:
  20. Bilbostomper

    Tiny's Stuff - Necromunda, Gorkamorka, 40k etc.

    They are at the same time both adorable and disturbing. I love them!