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  1. horizon

    KaptainDangerous' Orkapades

    ? The official Craftworld Eldar rules have aspect warriors listed. So, to which community rules are you referring?
  2. horizon

    KaptainDangerous' Orkapades

    Great thread by the way.
  3. horizon

    KaptainDangerous' Orkapades

    This is not correct. A ship with 11 or more hits or with 3 or more shields must go on a large base. A capital ship with 10 hits or less may choose to go on a large base. The Ork Grunt escort is the only escort which goes on a large base.
  4. horizon

    Random Subsector Generator

  5. horizon

    Warp Rift 44!

    Heya all, here it is, issue 44: A new scenario, a new competition, an Imperial Navy overview, hobby guides and more!
  6. horizon

    Warp Rift 43! 20th anniversary edition!

    Thanks! We keep going and a new Warp Rift is already on the horizon. lol.
  7. horizon

    horizon's Battlefleet Gothic

    That's entirely correct! It was a huge inspiration while painting.
  8. horizon

    Warp Rift 43! 20th anniversary edition!

    Heya everyone! A very special announcement: today sees the 20th anniversary of Warp Rift! Issue 43 hit the web! This years also marks the 25th anniversary of Battlefleet Gothic! So, we made a special issue with contributions of rule committee members Bob Henderson and Ray Bell; founder of Warp...
  9. horizon

    UFO Wars - a small fast pace game I made.

    Heya, Thanks for that! As for moving/slower, there is a hit change but indeed there is a mirror effect going on in which you actually need to synergize between your UFOs. Weirdly enough it works. And, yeah, it's single page and should be easy. Also, I have released a special scenario! Get...
  10. horizon

    horizon's Battlefleet Gothic

    Where we're going, we won't need eyes to see.
  11. horizon

    Warp Rift 41! The Hivemind is online! Including the competition winners!

    Heya, The new Warp Rift is online, happy reading!
  12. horizon

    horizon's Battlefleet Gothic

    Squats, Demiurg, League of Votann. Apply what you prefer!
  13. horizon

    Alternative BFG Miniatures

    Squats, Demiurg, League of Votann. Apply what you prefer!
  14. horizon

    UFO Wars - a small fast pace game I made.

    Just post it here, no problem. Unless Sure post it here! And I can use the images you posted here.
  15. horizon

    UFO Wars - a small fast pace game I made.

    Heya, Oh my! This is brilliant! Thanks for playing. <3 Love the kitbash -> kindersurprise. That's totally awesome. Can I share them on Instagram? It is more or less complete but feedback is appreciated! There will be a special scenario available soon! End of month!
  16. horizon

    horizon's Battlefleet Gothic

    Haha, thanks. Here is a folder with work in progress images while painting: As for the images here that is hobbying with a Sony Cybershot I gotten my hands on.
  17. horizon

    horizon's Battlefleet Gothic

  18. horizon

    horizon's Battlefleet Gothic

    You have an image? Link? Some new images of the Craftworld Eldar Battleship:
  19. horizon

    Warp Rift Competition!

    One month left to enter!