
  1. R

    Necromunda Necromunda 95 NCE Campaign Lexington, VA area

    Hey all. New to Yaktribe, ancient to Necromunda. Locals asked, so I've delivered. Running an intro game for interested parties on Monday, Nov. 3rd. Already have 3 dedicated players that are down for an arbitrator campaign. Wanted something iconic, so we'll be centered around the Sump using the...
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  4. ten_kage

    N18 Enforcers as a "neutral" element and how to balance them

    Hey everybody! Due to the lockdown restrictions that still affects my country, I have resorted to start a 2 Player campaign with my brother. We play on a map that is composed of 12 territories, including the 2 gangs' hideout. We decided, to spice up the thing a bit, to have a patrol of...
  5. D

    N18 New scenario: purge the blips!

    Hello all! I'm overall not super impressed by the scenarios that one plays in a normal Dominion campaign, and I have been looking for ways to improve this. One is to create special scenarios, and this is an attempt at creating a new version of the good old "purge!". As you will see, I have...
  6. Basileus

    N17 Arbitrator’s Guidebook 2019-06-16

    All current Arbitrator’s Guidebook articles from Warhammer Community, printer-friendly created in GitHub style Markdown.