
  1. Sump stag handler “the carrot”

    Sump stag handler “the carrot”

    Yakcomp#23 “here kitty kitty” Comp entry
  2. Sump stag

    Sump stag

    Yakcomp#23 “here kitty kitty” Comp entry
  3. Sump stag

    Sump stag

    Yakcomp#23 “here kitty kitty” Comp entry
  4. Sump stag handler WIP

    Sump stag handler WIP

    Yakcomp#23 “here kitty kitty” Comp entry
  5. Sump stag handler WIP

    Sump stag handler WIP

    Yakcomp#23 “here kitty kitty” Comp entry
  6. Sump stag WIP

    Sump stag WIP

    Yakcomp#23 “here kitty kitty” Comp entry
  7. Sump stag and handlers WIP

    Sump stag and handlers WIP

    Yakcomp#23 “here kitty kitty” Comp entry
  8. Sump stag WIP

    Sump stag WIP

    Yakcomp#23 “here kitty kitty” Comp entry
  9. Vandal

    N17 Tales from the hive

    Lady’s and gentlemen of the underhive I’m here to share my endeavour at necromunda - I’m very glad to have found this site it is a true gem. So here’s a few snaps of my work on the gangs of necromunda so far (not much), with a huge amount more to come that’s for sure as this setting/game has...
  10. kendoka

    N17 Inspired by Mad Max and other sources + Delaque ;)

    Anybody got a gang (or individual minis) inspired by Mad Max? One of my gangs will be such a homage ;) Blood Bag and Charlize by kendoka posted Apr 2, 2018 at 12:56 AM Blood Bag and Charlize by kendoka posted Apr 2, 2018 at 12:56 AM Blood Bag and Charlize by kendoka posted Apr 2, 2018 at 12:56...
  11. G

    My convererted Minotur collection

    My wife got me a box of Warhammer fantasy Minoturs for me to convert over for Blood bowl. Here are my assembled models: The one with downward curling horns if for my chorfs, spikey back is for chaos, and punching dagger is Blackhoof
  12. chilipepa

    N18 Another underhive ganger thread

    Hello, fellow hobbyists! I am new to Necromunda and got into it around a year ago, when I heard the first rumours about Necromunda being ressurected. Then came SWA, I read through the rules and actually enjoyed some of it (which was odd at the time because I was utterly dissapointed in GW new...
  13. Ned Noodle

    Ned’s Epic Escapades

    Now that we have a brand, spanking new Epic section dedicated to all things 6mm :D I thought I’d start a thread to document my endeavours(past, present and future) at this scale, a scale I really love and find myself drawn back to often. So join me in my adventures as I permanently damage my...
  14. =][=SW1=][=

    Necromunda SW1's Necromunda

    It's about time I carved out a chunk of this hive to call my own. I've been a long time lurker dropping in to see awesome scenery every now and again. Finally getting around to re-starting my Necromunda that's been in a very long hiatus (over 2 decades). So first up I've rummaged and delved...
  15. codysaville

    Necromunda Cody's Turtle-works

    Why a turtle-works? Well between my role as a father, my small-part time ebay/tcg store, and my full-time role as a PhD student I don't have a ton of time to work on stuff. However, I do regularly get small patches of time to do stuff, and I'd like to share my work (mostly for encouragement...
  16. The Duke

    Competition Entry December 2016

    Hi folks, so I've put together some lightbox-photos of my entry (in a little more detail) so you can see it slightly more in depth (and better lit!) than before and you will hopefully get to appreciate some more of the detail and colour this way too. First of all a series of 360 degree photos...
  17. minskton

    Necromunda Intolerance Society

    Hello, yak! I've lurked here for a long time and now I'm happy to share my beloved Necromunda gang — Intolerance Society or Harris Society as it was known through Sector 53 after untimely demise of its leader, pastor Harris. It took me a few years to finally post them. I'll just throw the...
  18. Ned Noodle

    Ned's procrastination station.

    Welcome to Ned's procrastination station. I will probably flit from one project to the next, never quiet finishing one before a new one can't be resisted but I have been known to finish the odd project. As i don't currently have a necromunda gang or any necromunda models it should definitely be...
  19. korabas

    Scavvy Boss and Scaly WIPs

    Last time my group played Necro (about 2-3 years back) I started building a Scavvy gang. I've just dug them out of my models box to finish them up for our new campaigns - they're gonna need some work! I DID manage to make two scalies though, which I like. I also went totally made and made a...
  20. K

    Necromunda KRVSH'DYCE World in Progress

    Alright, so as I like how you guys are having a chat about projects, I'd like to join although I'm not having a decent camera at hand. I will borrow one as soon it's time for some serious progress. Right now I'm working on test pieces whilst expanding a stock of terrain materials and collecting...