
  1. Bommerz-FlakBatteries.JPG


    Some flak batteries for a set of Bommerz Over Da Sulphur River - just made from stuff from the bits box and cocktail sticks.
  2. Orks1.JPGBommerz over da Sulphur River - ork fighters 2

    Orks1.JPGBommerz over da Sulphur River - ork fighters 2

    Vanguard Miniatures 6mm Skinnerz fighters - counts-as fighta-bommerz
  3. Orks1.JPGBommerz over da Sulphur River - ork fighters 1

    Orks1.JPGBommerz over da Sulphur River - ork fighters 1

    Vanguard Miniatures 6mm Skinnerz fighters - counts-as fighta-bommerz
  4. Bommerz over da Sulphur River - Imperial fighters

    Bommerz over da Sulphur River - Imperial fighters

    Vanguard Miniatures 6mm Javelin fighters - counts-as thundrbolts
  5. FYSC - May 2019 - Bommerz over da Sulphur River

    FYSC - May 2019 - Bommerz over da Sulphur River

  6. Bommerz over da Sulphur River - Game

    Bommerz over da Sulphur River - Game

    Mocked up game
  7. Chamberlain

    Epic 30k in 3mm (Ultramrines painting test figures)

    I decided to do Net Epic: Armageddon and do 30k using the EpicAU 30k mod. And to do it in 3mm scale. My first Ultramarines are from vanguardminiatures.co.uk -- they're Novan Elites from the Defeat in Detail 3mm line. I have some bases on the way and am going to be painting up Word Bearers to...
  8. Unsorted 40K

    Unsorted 40K

    Orks and Imperial mostly unpainted and primed.
  9. Galtarr

    Much demand for old epic models?

    Not sure if this belongs here or in the trade section. Anyway I have a bunch of old epic stuff mostly my Ork army and my former opponents old marine army. Since it has barely seen daylight in 20 years I either need to finish painting it or sell it to fund necromunda. Seen some silly prices...
  10. Malika

    Alternative Epic/6mm Scale Miniatures Thread

    6mm Gorkamorka? Feel like adding cultists, mutants, or gangers to your 6mm armies? Muties Cavalry Set: http://vanguardminiatures.co.uk/shop/muties-cavalry-set-1/ Muties Set: http://vanguardminiatures.co.uk/shop/muties-set-1/ Turrets: http://vanguardminiatures.co.uk/shop/turrets-set-1/...
  11. Malika

    Alternative Epic miniatures

    It isn't always easy to get your hands on some 6mm scaled stuff, you'd either have the scour eBay or try to get your hands on black market copies. Luckily enough there are still some third parties offering models that can be used as proxies. Onslaught Miniatures: Pretty extensive range for...
  12. Ned Noodle

    Ned’s Epic Escapades

    Now that we have a brand, spanking new Epic section dedicated to all things 6mm :D I thought I’d start a thread to document my endeavours(past, present and future) at this scale, a scale I really love and find myself drawn back to often. So join me in my adventures as I permanently damage my...
  13. Palatine Hive

    Palatine Hive

    a l 20cm tall scale model 1cm : 1km scratch built using BFG bits,
  14. Palatine Hive

    Palatine Hive

    a l 20cm tall scale model 1cm : 1km scratch built using BFG bits,
  15. Palatine Hive

    Palatine Hive

    a l 20cm tall scale model 1cm : 1km scratch built using BFG bits,
  16. Palatine Hive

    Palatine Hive

    a l 20cm tall scale model 1cm : 1km scratch built using BFG bits,
  17. D

    Micro Hulk

    Hi all, I want to make a portable, 1/4 sized, magnetized Space Hulk board & accessories. Why? Because it's cute, and practical: setup is quick if not instantaneous, and it can travel with me. So, 1/4 means 6mm miniatures, 7.5mm squares for tiles, and also that every standard map should fit on a...