gang vehicles

  1. VanKieft

    N18 Characters (regular gang members) on vehicles. Crew Displacement

    Running through the rules on Vehicles I began of course to think about the Road Warrior, or Mad Max or Car Wars (yes I am that old) or however you visualize the Vehicles in Necromunda and the approach seemed a bit lean. I get that for the most part that our road battles have a few different...
  2. IMG_0015.jpeg


  3. D

    N18 Cawdor Ridge runners

    I'm trying to figure out how to add those Cawdor Chicken walker things to my list on Yaktribe. Any help/suggestions?
  4. H

    Bug Vehicle Crew Missing

    Okay, I must be missing something or this is bug… You can add vehicles no problem, but what about Crew? There is also no vehicle/crew card and you can’t add upgrades to the vehicle. Surly this can’t all be missing, so am I just missing something obvious? Please advise, thanks in advance.
  5. C

    Necromunda Ash Wastes Updates

    Hi all, I’ve seen that vehicles are now added to roster choices (albeit it tries to charge 95 creds for all options) Is there any news as to when drivers/riders will be added? Also vehicle upgrades at the minute can only be added to a gang member and not a vehicle is this on the cards to...
  6. A

    N18 Vehicle Collision Damage Strangeness

    So just got my copy of the Book of the Outlands and immediately went to the vehicle section to read about how they work, as a big part of my excitement for ash wastes was my nostalgia playing Gorkamorka as a kid. And naturally the best memory their is ramming trucks into each other as your...
  7. Tracked ammo carrier

    Tracked ammo carrier

    Tracked ammo carrier converted using city of death terrain bits and Chimera track/wheels. Painted by Rich Goss
  8. Tracked ammo carrier

    Tracked ammo carrier

    Tracked ammo carrier converted using city of death terrain bits and Chimera track/wheels. Painted by Rich Goss
  9. Sentinel Loader

    Sentinel Loader

    Sentinel Loader converted from various kits, mainly a sentinel chopped down. Painted by Rich Goss
  10. L

    Poxwalkers & vehicle-less gorkamorka

    I have recently been given a large amount of Warhammer 40,000 supplies, which included an unopened copy of the 8th edition First Strike starter set. This in turn included 6 Poxwalkers of Nurgle. I liked the models, and so I painted them (I would show you a picture so you can see how mediocre my...
  11. julezwr

    N18 Necromunda gang vehicles

    I'm working on converting a genestealer cult rockgrinder truck into a necromunda gang truck. Anyone got any necromunda vehicles they have made that they can share a photo of and give a bit of background?
  12. Jakara Jetbike with sword

    Jakara Jetbike with sword

  13. Galthan Ironsturm

    Necromunda 501 District-Hive Primus.

    Hy everybody! I'm G.I. from France, after i visited for long Time the Tribe, i think it's Time to subscrit. Action take place on the 501 District of thé Hyve Primus... Gang : Iron Brotherhood, Gang leader : Max "Iron" Sturm. C&c welcome ;)