goblin green

  1. My 2nd ed. ORKS from late 90s'

    My 2nd ed. ORKS from late 90s'

    Runtherd with missing arm. Cool trousers!
  2. My 2nd ed. ORKS from late 90s'

    My 2nd ed. ORKS from late 90s'

    One of my absolute favourite Ork miniatures ever. I'd really much like to add this fellow to my new Ork Mek army, but am not sure if I dare to touch the painting. Propably "varnished" with diluted PVA. All dusty now. More effort (=sand added) on the base than the others (just Goblin Green)...
  3. My 2nd ed. ORKS from late 90s'

    My 2nd ed. ORKS from late 90s'

    Deathskull Lootas. Nice shirt!
  4. My 2nd ed. ORKS from late 90s'

    My 2nd ed. ORKS from late 90s'

    This poor gretchin got his Marlboro cigarette broken JUST before I took the photo. It had survived from the late 90s' (years of gaming and even more years thrown in a big box, with dozens and dozen of more miniatures thrown on top...).
  5. My 2nd ed. ORKS from late 90s'

    My 2nd ed. ORKS from late 90s'

    Deathskull Lootas. Nice scratch built kustom weapon on da uvver un.
  6. Goblin Green test base

    Goblin Green test base

    Old miniature used for retro basing test purposes.
  7. Goblin Green

    Goblin Green

    Pots of Goblin Green.