goliath gang

  1. IMG20240827134707.jpg


    How it's going#1
  2. Stimmer - Primo.jpg

    Stimmer - Primo.jpg

  3. Juve - Turk.jpg

    Juve - Turk.jpg

  4. Juve - Tezt.jpg

    Juve - Tezt.jpg

  5. Juve - Oxx.jpg

    Juve - Oxx.jpg

  6. Forge Tyrant Tren Balor.jpg

    Forge Tyrant Tren Balor.jpg

    The Bossmeyn
  7. Forge Boss Stanoz.jpg

    Forge Boss Stanoz.jpg

  8. Bruiser Specialist - Nandro.jpg

    Bruiser Specialist - Nandro.jpg

  9. 1000004152.jpg


    My gang
  10. B

    Bora's Goliath Project

    Hello everyone, this is Bora from Turkey and I was recently introduced to Necromunda by a friend. I've been interested in 40k and WHFB 9-10 years ago but didnt touch anything since 2012. And have to say i was very much vanilla, everything by the box art and all. Now I made my return to the hobby...
  11. Tchernoboyz


  12. images - 2023-05-15T091007.158.jpeg

    images - 2023-05-15T091007.158.jpeg

  13. Freemen Ore'goroth.PNG

    Freemen Ore'goroth.PNG

  14. B

    N18 First Time Player - Advice with 1k Goliath list

    Hi guys im really new to this game so i want to try a 1k list of goliaths in campaign. https://yaktribe.games/underhive/gang/bocata_gang.345278/ Im grateful for any advice.
  15. drdrybrush

    Necromunda Ash Wastes Thoughts and Rambles.

    Greetings hive scum! So, I've had a good chance to play about in the ash wastes now using Goliaths against Orloks (goliath pre cinderak burning) and the they work pretty damn well! Here's what I've learned so far: RIDGEHAULER OF HAMMERS - get a ridgehauler to negate the poor movement of...
  16. E

    N18 Old Three-eyes, Oramatis Perdonae

    Has any one made this beast yet to play? Or do ppl make it out of others things?
  17. The Crew!

    The Crew!

    The crew!
  18. Black Gate Furnace Crew

    Black Gate Furnace Crew

    The starting gang
  19. The Forgemaster

    N18 Thoughts on this Goliath Gang...

    So I was looking to pick up a second gang so that if a friend wished to see what Necromunda was about I could easily offer them a quick game (I have all the scenery, dice etc. that is needed). I ended up picking Goliaths as a nice straight forward gang to face off against my Van Saar (other...
  20. ork.png


    Necromunda gang image