
  1. T

    Bug Partially Deafened not Available

    I know that partially deafened has no effect the first time around, but how come there is no option to select it as an injury on my fighters? It would be helpful to make sure I remember it has already happened once when it comes up next time and I need to suffer a leadership penalty.
  2. G

    N18 Wounds after "Flesh wound" in End Phase / Recovery

    Hi Gangers, I already had some games, but still have my fights with some rules that are not written clear enough. At least in my opinion. Example: A Champ with 2 wounds goes down as a result of getting 2 DMG and rolling seriously injured. --> 0 wounds left, state "seriously injured" and...
  3. A

    HR Suggestion: School of Hard Knocks

    -School of Hard Knocks- Justification: Taking permanent injuries on fighters that permanently reduce characteristics often coupled with an inglorious stomping and poor income generation can be a bitter pill to swallow. This simple rule suggestion seeks to soften the blow a little. Mechanic...