
  1. tehsaq

    N17 Printable Illustrated Custom Intrigues Cards 1.0

    Inspired by Xiądz's excellent tactics cards I've made a set of illustrated Intrigues cards from the Book of Judgement. As with the tactics cards, print them in A4 and put in a sleeve with a spare MTG card for stiffness. I've had to trim flavour text in many cases and rules text in a few though...
  2. B

    N18 House Sub-plots with Outlaw Gangs

    Hello, Hive citizens, I come with a question that is troubling me, and it's about House Sub-plots. Let's say I want to run a Dominion Campaign, but want to include the Black Market and Criminal Alliances that came in the Book of Judgment as well as Guild Alliances from the Book of Peril and I...