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  3. Mooha Yeets

    Mooha Yeets

    Downhive Devoted Juve
  4. Bootleg Freud

    Bootleg Freud

    Downhive Devoted Juve
  5. Kitbashed juve

    Kitbashed juve

    From the body of a poxwalker of Nurgle with the head and arm swapped for Redemptionist ones and the worst diseased stuff filed off (again). Probably a juve/novice to to low equipment quality.
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  7. Chopwell (Juve)

    Chopwell (Juve)

    Conversion from N17 Cawdor weapons and Warlord Games Celt.
  8. July, Juve of the Escher gang "The Mighty 8"

    July, Juve of the Escher gang "The Mighty 8"

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    Rocksteady: Former Juve. He's a crackshot with a hand flamer- literally.
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    Bebop: Former Juve. Only BS 2, but rolls a 2 for his advance roll. He then manages to get specialist. Now I know what to do with that captured flamer!
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    bebop backup guns.jpg

    A stubpistol on a BS 2 model? Ok, but only because I happen to like how these guns look on this model.
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    Nim: Juve. A raw recruit, ready to prove himself in hand to hand combat.
  13. Delaque Juve WiP

    Delaque Juve WiP

  14. Juve - Nameless Two

    Juve - Nameless Two

    Juve - Nameless Two
  15. Juve - Nameless One

    Juve - Nameless One

    Juve - Nameless One
  16. Juve (Stub Gun / Autopistol) - Blue

    Juve (Stub Gun / Autopistol) - Blue

  17. Juve (Stub Pistol / Auto Pistol)

    Juve (Stub Pistol / Auto Pistol)

  18. Juve (Las Pistol)

    Juve (Las Pistol)

  19. R

    N18 Venators and Juves from recruitment

    New to the game, decided to run Venators. After the first game of a new dominion campaign, rolled a 6 for juve recruitment and then noted Venators don't seem to know what to do with them. Rules say they are treated as normal, so a settlement would entail a roll for recruitment, but venators...
  20. Nikki Jenka

    Nikki Jenka