
  1. SirWalterManny

    N18 Squat ‘Stoneburner’ in close combat (Power Pack andSidearm traits)

    So, Squat Prospectors ‘Stoneburner’ has the POWERPACK and SIDEARM traits. Rules for these as below “POWERPACK …If the weapon also has the Melee trait it can be used in addition to any other weapon carried by the fight granting an additional close combat attack.” “SIDEARM … Weapons with this...
  2. JawRippa

    Radical YCE: melee

    For a full view of changes that I'll be trying to introduce, view this thread. TLDR: getting into melee is going to be noticeably easier, due to movement for charging ranges and various nerfs to shooting, but what about melee itself? I'm a firm believer that current melee system is not fun, nor...
  3. SirWalterManny

    N18 Exotic Beast Rules and house rules

    So, looking at including Phyrr and Phelynx cats in an Escher gang. Am I understanding rules for exotic pets correctly: RAW, when activating with owner, usually the owner would have to activate first, as if the pet activates first it cant move to be out of 3”/9” distance without risking a nerve...
  4. JawRippa

    N18 A better Melee system?

    Personally I don't find the current melee system fun. It is pretty much decided by whoever charges or fights first. A skilled fighter with high weapon skill, decent number attacks and good initiative has the same chance to get shanked by a charging juve as an unarmed unskilled ganger. And when a...
  5. Gretnor


  6. JawRippa

    N18 Charge and Engaged core rules improvements.

    I think that these would give melee some desired quality of life improvement without breaking the flow of the game too much: Charge has a length of a Double Move on 3D boards. On 2D boards charge stays as is, a Move + D3. (Lore explanation would be that it is harder to move freely in tunnels...
  7. B

    N18 Resolving Melee Hits

    Please forgive the super-noob question, I've only played 2 games of Necromunda '18 (Prior to that, last game I played was in 1997ish!) Confusion arises on BRB page 69, Close Combat Step 6 (Resolve Hits) Say I've rolled 2 hit dice, one for a pistol and one for a dagger. Both have hit. It now...
  8. M

    N18 Sniper weapons and fun: can they coexist

    I want to check in and see how other groups are dealing with long-ranged weapons like long rifles, heavy bolters/stubbers, and (in particular) the combination of these with the Overwatch skill. The situation I've been in is this: I set up a short intro campaign to try and interest folks in...
  9. J

    Cawdor bone knife

    What weapons do you use the little bone knives on the cawdor sprue to represent? I am using them as skinblades atm because fighting knives are so damn expensive. I wish there was a 5 cred crappy stat line bone knife entry.
  10. undertaker

    NCE [NCE] Falling from Hand-to-Hand

    A question about falling from ledges while in hand-to-hand combat. The current rules are thus and open to interpretation: If a fighter is engaged in hand-to-hand fighting within 1" of an edge then he may fall off if he loses the combat. The fighter must take an Initiative test. If the test is...