
  1. Cpl. Merrick.jpg

    Cpl. Merrick.jpg

  2. Pvt. Tasha Dancer

    Pvt. Tasha Dancer

  3. Sarine Rhima

    Sarine Rhima

  4. 2nd. Lt. Ryker

    2nd. Lt. Ryker

  5. Lys Boram

    Lys Boram

  6. 1st. Sgt. "Jawbreaker" Hawker

    1st. Sgt. "Jawbreaker" Hawker

  7. Augustus Vikar

    Augustus Vikar

  8. C30EC23B-DAA5-4432-99A0-D554DF9B23E3.jpeg


  9. AD39E4A9-F616-47C9-AFBA-8F25F2532282.jpeg


  10. 292E02AB-FC58-4306-BB85-8B5F4B30044B.jpeg


  11. D6F3A0AB-AF04-4333-BCBF-A156B2351DB2.jpeg


  12. YakTribe

    Stirland Mercenaries 1.0

    This warband uses Human Mercenaries rules but with a few additions for their focus on the Long Bow as a weapon
  13. YakTribe

    Skin Flayers 1.0

    In all of recorded history, there are few Mercenary warriors who gain much notice. One such warband, however, is mentioned at length. These warriors are known as the Skin Flayers, and army lead by the Dark Prince, Vlad Tepes, the Dragon. Tepes has sent many small bands of these Mercenaries into...
  14. YakTribe

    Disciples of Maldred 1.0

    When Duke Maldred embarked on the grail quest he returned in an unusually short time. Even more amazing than this was the fact that he claimed to have brought back the actual chalice of the Lady of the Lake. He claimed that this was a portent of his kingship. Many knights came to Mousillon to...
  15. YakTribe

    Core Warbands Fixed 1.0

    Community fixes including costs, skill changes, rule changes for the following Warbands: Mercenaries Witch Hunters Sisters of Sigmar Undead Cult of the Possessed Skaven Clan Eshin