
  1. Nob slaver

    Nob slaver

    A repaint of one of my early posts, with other very slight edits I made after the first one was taken. Figure that since spanners and slavers cost 1 more than a normal boy and have the same profile, it seems ok that my job can also be a slaver if I pay extra.
  2. Boyz, Big Mek & Weirdboy painted

    Boyz, Big Mek & Weirdboy painted

    Painted at the beginning of November.
  3. My 2nd ed. ORKS from late 90s'

    My 2nd ed. ORKS from late 90s'

    One of my absolute favourite Ork miniatures ever. I'd really much like to add this fellow to my new Ork Mek army, but am not sure if I dare to touch the painting. Propably "varnished" with diluted PVA. All dusty now. More effort (=sand added) on the base than the others (just Goblin Green)...