There is a new FAQ in town lads, it was quick! And it even has designer's notes!
(original WHC article)
Confirms that:
they intentionally removed the Brute Cleaver accuracy bonus
the Blunderbuss profiles should have the Template trait
Fearsome is only checked if the charging fighter roll...
Expands the equipment lists for creating Escher gangs, including buying Armor and allowing more ganger types access to more wargear.
This is an official PDF from Games Workshop added here to preserve original version and provide an easy to find resource for Necromunda players.
Also includes...
The Story
It’s survival of the fittest on the towering industrial hive world of Necromunda, where brutal gangs fight for supremacy in the nightmare Underhive and decadent nobles play power games in the higher echelons of the Spire. Kal Jerico, suave bounty hunter, is drawn into a deadly game of...
The Story
With a billion people literally living on top of each other, religious fanaticism has always had a firm stranglehold on the towering hive city of Necromunda. Foremost amongst these fanatics is Cardinal Crimson and he's setting out on a new crusade to hunt down a newcomer to the hive, a...
The Story
Meet Kal Jerico: rogue, bounty hunter and swashbuckler in the towering urban hell of Necromunda. The illegitimate offspring of the planet’s ruler, Kal shunned his royal roots to take up the career of hired gun. Following a botched job with former rival-turned-bounty hunter, Yolanda...
The Story
In the nightmare industrial underworld of Necromunda, brutal gangs clash in desperate battles to increase their standing with the rich decadent families who occupy the uppermost spire of their teeming hive city. When a stranger comes to town, the local religious zealots see an...
The Story
In the nightmare industrial underworld of Necromunda, brutal gangs clash in desperate battles to increase their standing with the rich decadent families who occupy the uppermost spire of the teeming hive city. Underhive watchman Erik Bane is a marked man. As a former hive city Enforcer...
The Story
In the nightmare industrial underworld of Necromunda, brutal gangs clash in desperate battles to increase their standing with the rich decadent families who occupy the uppermost spire of the teeming hive city. When Uriah Storm has the chance to lay his hands on some high-grade...
The Story
In the nightmare industrial underworld of Necromunda, brutal gangs clash in desperate battles to increase their standing with the rich decadent families who occupy the uppermost spire of the teeming hive city. Power of all kinds is the highest valued commodity in such an environment...
The Story
In the nightmare industrial underworld of Necromunda, brutal gangs clash in desperate battles to increase their standing with the rich decadent families who occupy the uppermost spire of the teeming hive city. Zefer Tyranus was enjoying the quiet life as a curator at House Ko'iron...
The Story
In the nightmare industrial underworld of Necromunda, brutal gangs clash in desperate battles to increase their standing with the rich decadent families who occupy the uppermost spire of their teeming hive city. D'onne 'Mad Donna' Ulanti is a loose cannon, an unhinged maniac with a...
Warbands travel to the City of the Damned from all over the Old World.
They come from many races and for many reasons but ultimately they must all face the dangers of the dim alleys and twisting, winding streets of Mordheim.
Although it is great fun to fight individual battles, part of the...
Added for it's similarities to Necromunda. It takes place in a hive that has been overrun by plague zombies. Interesting in that it makes you, an imperial guardsman, make moral choices and your loyalty to the Imperium is tested.
The forces of Chaos are moving against the Imperium once more...
Taken from Battles in the Underhive, but can also be found in Citadel Journal 15. You download the original scan or read it in it's entirety here:
The sleek barrel of Youngblood's lasgun eased without a sound between the cold metallic squares of an iron grate. his middle finger caressing the...
Taken from Citadel Journal 19. You can download the original scan or read it in it's entirety here:
Kevlin knew what fear was. Fear was one of the most effective political instruments, his father had taught him that. His father was an influential member of one of Hive Primus' Noble Houses and...
You can download the original scan or read it in it's entirety here:
The juve scuttled like a rat through the darkness of the Underhive, his autopistol slapping against his bloodied thigh in its holster. His breath was coming hard and in ragged gasps, his legs were weary and numb, he wasn't...
A short story I found in one of the official publications. I'm sure the file name made sense to me when I named it, but I can't remember why now. You can download the original scan or read it in it's entirety here:
The man glanced from side to side as he hurried across the road. He shielded...
An Enforcer story. Added for it's Necromunda like themes.
Matthew Farrer once again brings his dazzling talent to bear on the Shira Calpurnia series. The fast-paced, intelligent action takes place in the great Imperial fortress system of Hydraphur, where Adeptus Arbites officer Shira Calpurnia...
An Enforcer story. Added for it's Necromunda like themes.
The legendary rogue trader charters: Imperial warrants of unimaginable antiquity, which can bring their bearers wealth and power barely imaginable. Now that Rogue Trader Hoyyon Phrax is dead, his charter is being brought to the great...
An Enforcer story. Added for it's Necromunda like themes.
The bustling dockyards of the Hydraphur system are home to the mighty Imperial warfleets, which dock, rearm and repair in an endless cycle of war. Newly assigned Arbites officer, Shira Calpurnia, finds herself in the thick of the action...
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