
  1. D

    N18 Do pets activate twice with overseer?

    Hi All, Question: Do pets activate twice with when their controller is activated by overseer if they have already acted that turn?
  2. P

    N18 Exotic Beasts and Overseer

    My group ran into this question the other night. When activating the owner of an exotic beast as part of the Overseer skill, does the exotic beast also activate? We ruled against it on the spot after not being able to find a quick answer. After looking into it today, surprise surprise...
  3. K

    N18 overseer and wall

    i have read the doc but i couldn't find anything on the rule where the wall must stop the "signal" between the leader and the fighter. in the old one there was a page where they explain that the leader signal must follow the wall and can't pass through it . do you know what i mean ? so now...
  4. B

    Firing a heavy weapon 4 times?

    Say I have a champion with a heavy stubber, a suspensor and the fast shot skill standing next to a leader with the overseer skill. Would this allow the champion to fire his weapon four times in a single round (twice in his own activation and twice due to overseer)? Disclaimer: I'm not...