ratskin renegades

  1. Crowskin


  2. Yaksanta 2021, side

    Yaksanta 2021, side

    Ratskin with lasgun and tent
  3. Yaksanta 2021

    Yaksanta 2021

    My present, a travelling Ratskin with tent.
  4. Wildsnake Heroes

    Wildsnake Heroes

    Ratskin Renegades, a few minor conversions and a kitbash
  5. MedMos

    MedMos finished gangs/warbands

    As I am on the verge of finishing up multiple gangs this year (fingers crossed!), I got the urge to put them all in one space without all the wip clutter. Finished is of course a relative term, as new members can always be added at a later date. But with the FYSC motivation and hobby time...
  6. E

    N18 Ratskin Renegades - Venator Gang

    The Ratskin Renegades from the original Necromunda are quite probably my favourite models that GW has ever made. I also like their lore and I'm waiting impatiently for GW to release them for New Necromunda. Of course I might be waiting forever. In the meantime I have created a Gang using the...
  7. Ratskin theme

    Ratskin theme

  8. Captain Brown

    Necromunda Captain Brown's Showcase of Building and Painting Old School Necromunda - Figures and Terrain

    I played the original Necromunda with my friends back in the mid-nineties, and we enjoyed it enough to ran a campaign and get everyone involved. So late 2019 I suggested we go back to our youth and re-start a Necromunda campaign. I asked the other members of my group to locate and possibly...
  9. Aulenback

    ORB Ratskin Tribal Varants 2019-11-25

    By Andrew Stickland, published in Citadel Journal 18. Tribal variations among the Ratskins [variant skill and weapon lists, later adopted into the community edition].
  10. Scattered projects from a scatterbrain

    Scattered projects from a scatterbrain

    Wip's: Cawdor ganger, Ratskin Totem Warrior, Hive Guys joint
  11. October entry

    October entry

    This months entry powered by Yakcomp!
  12. Oktober wip

    Oktober wip

    Base colors
  13. Ambushed!


    Boris and his beasts fall upon some hapless Braves
  14. September entry

    September entry

    Quick'n'dirty braves and Team Warden car
  15. September wip

    September wip

    A bit of flesh and metal (or rust...)
  16. SKAVIES - the whole gang - WIP

    SKAVIES - the whole gang - WIP

    Just found an earlier pic from 2017 before any painting. 5 now finished and 10 more underway. More babbling and pics about them here: https://mutantmodifier.blogspot.com/2019/08/wip-pics-of-skavies.html


    My sweet Space Rats/Scavvies/Skave/Ratskin Renegades! Got a group of 30 already converted and basecoated, and this is the first group of 5 i got.
  18. WIP of big buildings and some newly painted space rats

    WIP of big buildings and some newly painted space rats

  19. Ratskin Scavvy Technomutants

    Ratskin Scavvy Technomutants

    So i've got a batch of 30 completely kitbashed and converted Ratskin Scavvy Technomutants. Only white undercoat and dull grey wash on them at this point. Made these in 2017, yet to be finished...
  20. Loriel

    N17 Gangs of the Babel 2

    Here is rules for outlander gangs used in Spire of Babel campaign. Rules are converted from OCE rules for latest N18 ruleset. For the most part they are usable in any Dominon campaign but some of the rules are designed especially for Spire of Babel campaign.