
  1. Pipes.jpg


    Pipes made from old pen tubes. Glue together, cut to shape and painted.
  2. Binbag.jpg


    Bin bag made from tissue and ...well, bin bag. 😊 Cut out a tiny piece of bin bag, wrap around a tissue so it looks full, twist several times so it look closed and then keep it over a lighter for a second so plastic shrink and glue itself together. Just watch your hands (and surroundings).
  3. Brick wall sprue.jpg

    Brick wall sprue.jpg

    Brick wall made from leftover sprue. Very straightforward and requires almost no skill at all. All you need to do is to clean the sprues and cut them into more or less even length and then glue together.
  4. Orchard


  5. Checkpoint


  6. Thunderchrome

    PATREON Thunder Chrome - Post apocalyptic and sci fi scenery

    Hi everyone! We have just launched our Patreon! 3d printable scenery for post apocalyptic and sci fi games...
  7. MusingWarboss

    MusingWarboss’s Scenery

    A thread to show my scenery (once I’ve got it done). Inspired by @Kiblams and also partially because I’ve been meaning to do this for years now, I’ve decided the time is right to crack on and get some scenery built and painted!! Also due to lack of storage space this stuff needs to be packable...
  8. Classic bulkhead and N17 barricade. #2

    Classic bulkhead and N17 barricade. #2

    An old bulkhead meets the newer N17 barricades.
  9. Classic Bulkhead and N17 barricade. #1

    Classic Bulkhead and N17 barricade. #1

    An old bulkhead meets the newer N17 barricades.
  10. IMG_20191216_232206.jpg


    Rebuilding the enforces tower
  11. undertaker

    ORB Necromunda Card Terrain Scans 14 - Green Building Main Floor Part 2 2020-01-09

    Scan of some original Necromunda card terrain from the base box and Outlanders. Paper size: A4 Small grid: 1 cm Large grid: 2 cm Original card terrain was 1.04 mm thick. Print this on plain paper and glue it to 1 mm thick card (greyboard/posterboard). For parts that slot into bulkheads cut...
  12. undertaker

    ORB Necromunda Card Terrain Scans 13 - Green Building Main Floor Part 1 2020-01-09

    Scan of some original Necromunda card terrain from the base box and Outlanders. Paper size: A4 Small grid: 1 cm Large grid: 2 cm Original card terrain was 1.04 mm thick. Print this on plain paper and glue it to 1 mm thick card (greyboard/posterboard). For parts that slot into bulkheads cut...
  13. undertaker

    ORB Necromunda Card Terrain Scans 12 - Octagonal Building and Watchtower Buttresses 2020-01-09

    Scan of some original Necromunda card terrain from the base box and Outlanders. Paper size: A4 Small grid: 1 cm Large grid: 2 cm Original card terrain was 1.04 mm thick. Print this on plain paper and glue it to 1 mm thick card (greyboard/posterboard). For parts that slot into bulkheads cut...
  14. undertaker

    ORB Necromunda Card Terrain Scans 11 - Mineshaft Entrance and L-shaped Walkway 2020-01-09

    Scan of some original Necromunda card terrain from the base box and Outlanders. Paper size: A4 Small grid: 1 cm Large grid: 2 cm Original card terrain was 1.04 mm thick. Print this on plain paper and glue it to 1 mm thick card (greyboard/posterboard). For parts that slot into bulkheads cut...
  15. undertaker

    ORB Necromunda Card Terrain Scans 10 - Hexagonal Building and Watchtower 2020-01-09

    Scan of some original Necromunda card terrain from the base box and Outlanders. Paper size: A4 Small grid: 1 cm Large grid: 2 cm Original card terrain was 1.04 mm thick. Print this on plain paper and glue it to 1 mm thick card (greyboard/posterboard). For parts that slot into bulkheads cut...
  16. undertaker

    ORB Necromunda Card Terrain Scans 09 - Green Building Small Floors and Elevator 2020-01-09

    Scan of some original Necromunda card terrain from the base box and Outlanders. Paper size: A4 Small grid: 1 cm Large grid: 2 cm Original card terrain was 1.04 mm thick. Print this on plain paper and glue it to 1 mm thick card (greyboard/posterboard). For parts that slot into bulkheads cut...
  17. undertaker

    ORB Necromunda Card Terrain Scans 08 - Square Tower Upper Floor and Brown Walkway 2020-01-09

    Scan of some original Necromunda card terrain from the base box and Outlanders. Paper size: A4 Small grid: 1 cm Large grid: 2 cm Original card terrain was 1.04 mm thick. Print this on plain paper and glue it to 1 mm thick card (greyboard/posterboard). For parts that slot into bulkheads cut...
  18. undertaker

    ORB Necromunda Card Terrain Scans 07 - Square Tower Lower Floor 2020-01-09

    Scan of some original Necromunda card terrain from the base box and Outlanders. Paper size: A4 Small grid: 1 cm Large grid: 2 cm Original card terrain was 1.04 mm thick. Print this on plain paper and glue it to 1 mm thick card (greyboard/posterboard). For parts that slot into bulkheads cut...
  19. Zone Mortalis Scebery

    Zone Mortalis Scebery

    Finished some zone mortalis walls
  20. WIP modular board tile 1/5

    WIP modular board tile 1/5

    Started making tiles for a modular board. Try to get it somewhat suitable for both Necromunda & 40k.