
  1. IMG_5093.jpg


    Scrap Box
  2. IMG_5092.jpg


    Scrap Box
  3. IMG_5091.jpg


    Scrap Box
  4. djmothra

    Competition Yak 19 " Bits Box Challenge"

    Welcome there Yakkers, this is Yak19 - this time chosen by @Ned Noodle with a fantastic win in the last Competition. This competition is going to be a little odd...and, we're going to ask you to be honest too. "Bits Box Challenge" make something from ONLY using the old or spare parts that are...
  5. D

    Latest project

    Turning scraps of PVC pipe, cement rendering mesh, and some other assorted rubbish into some robust terrain for the local store we play Necromunda at. Held together with screws, just in case any shoplifters or other Necromunda players need to be beaten to death. (Hazard stripes and some bodged...