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    Hunt leader, mirror shield, malcadon whip
  2. P

    N18 Spyrer taking an Escher Cutter

    I was reading into the rules more than I should have and came across a query that admittedly won't go over well. I understand it might not be in the spirit of the game but RAW I believe a spyrer leading a Secundus Incursion Gang with Escher as it's selected gang can take an Escher Cutter. These...
  3. O

    Necromunda Spyres, Malstrain...etc

    When can we expect to see the new Spyres, Malstrain gangs etc to be added to Yaktribe?
  4. Orrus wip

    Orrus wip

  5. Hive Brat Leader

    Hive Brat Leader

    Combining Tau and Harlequin bits to create a new version of the old "Hive Brats" idea.
  6. G

    Orrus Proxy

    Help me Yakkers, you're my only hope! Need help finding a modern take on the Orrus suite. Saved a pic of a 3rd party Orrus model someone is producing and for the life of me I can't find it. I'm hoping it's an stl file so I can 3D print one, or failing that I'll just buy the dam thing... if I...
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    Spyrer, malcadon, spyrer hunter,
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  13. Yakday 2020

    Yakday 2020

    Jakara Spyrer painted for YakDay 2020
  14. Spyrer gang (a bit older)

    Spyrer gang (a bit older)

  15. Jakara Jetbike with sword

    Jakara Jetbike with sword

  16. Spyrer - Orrus 1 - Front

    Spyrer - Orrus 1 - Front

  17. Spyrer - Malcadon 1 - Front

    Spyrer - Malcadon 1 - Front

  18. Spyrer - Jakara 1 - Front

    Spyrer - Jakara 1 - Front

  19. Loriel

    N17 Gangs of the Babel 2

    Here is rules for outlander gangs used in Spire of Babel campaign. Rules are converted from OCE rules for latest N18 ruleset. For the most part they are usable in any Dominon campaign but some of the rules are designed especially for Spire of Babel campaign.
  20. Kitcar

    NCE Best Spyrer Gang Configuration

    Hey all, having read a few posts on Spyrers has made me look at my collection and wonder (not only will I finish them???) what the most effective choices would be? For example, would a gang of all Yeld be effective or is a mix always better? Plus, how do YOU pronounce Spyrers? :) EDIT...