
  1. GypsyTron

    N18 Homebrewed Walker "melee" weapon!

    I was a bit disappointed that the walker custom vehicle has no access to any type of melee option, but I also understand, rules as written, it would be tricky to make that work. I did some brainstorming and came up with a body upgrade, "ranged" weapon, with an extremely short range. This is what...
  2. A

    N18 Numerous Ash wastes questions

    Played an ash wastes game for the first time today and i came away with some questions - In rolling road is the road always just a straight road from trailing to leading edge? - When fighters are thrown from or fall from a vehicle it says they take falling damage if they fail initiative but most...
  3. L

    N18 Cover on vehicles

    Hi all. Soon I'm gonna play (and arbitrate too) Ash Wastes Campaign. I'm curious about how cover works on the vehicles - do fighters standing on vehicle (for example on Rockgrinder transport bed) are obscured by vehicle (transport bed walls, front of the truck etc.)? If yes - what stops players...
  4. SirWalterManny

    N18 Starting out for the Ash Wastes (Goliath)

    When founding a gang with standard ash wastes rules (1000 creds + 400 creds for vehicles/mounts), do you aim to try to get all of your fighters a mount/space on a transport bed? If yes, how have you done this? If not, what % of your fighters do you aim to get mobile, and what % stay as foot...
  5. D

    N18 Cawdor Ridge runners

    I'm trying to figure out how to add those Cawdor Chicken walker things to my list on Yaktribe. Any help/suggestions?
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  7. H

    Bug Vehicle Crew Missing

    Okay, I must be missing something or this is bug… You can add vehicles no problem, but what about Crew? There is also no vehicle/crew card and you can’t add upgrades to the vehicle. Surly this can’t all be missing, so am I just missing something obvious? Please advise, thanks in advance.
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    The lusty argonian limousine, the greeny meany machiny and vile wild violet wings aka VW2
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    The lusty argonian limousine, the greeny meany machiny and vile wild violet wings aka VW2
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    The lusty argonian limousine, the greeny meany machiny and vile wild violet wings aka VW2
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    The lusty argonian limousine, the greeny meany machiny and vile wild violet wings aka VW2
  13. I

    N17 Necromunda Vehicle Rules Reference 2022-05-26

    This is a summary of the vehicle rules added in Ash Wastes, I wanted to get all of them in a more searchable, easier to read format. Everything is summarized so let me know if I got anything wrong, I will update the document.
  14. L

    Mutie Chariots

    Gorkamorka Mutie Raiders don't use vehicles. It's the main thing that differentiates them from the other types of mob (Apart from the fan-made ork Snortas). However, the Mutie Beasts have definite limitations, in that they are incapable of carrying fixed weapons and you can't easily have...
  15. julezwr

    N18 Necromunda gang vehicles

    I'm working on converting a genestealer cult rockgrinder truck into a necromunda gang truck. Anyone got any necromunda vehicles they have made that they can share a photo of and give a bit of background?
  16. Petitioner's City

    N17 Ash Wastes Rules 1.0

    Hi all, this supplement allows you to play battles in the Ash Wastes during your campaigns of Necromunda, as a kind of ‘plug in and play’ set of rules that can be used in ongoing or new campaign. These rules owe a lot to Gorkamorka, the original Ash Wastes rules presented in Citadel Jounral...
  17. Orks1.JPGBommerz over da Sulphur River - ork fighters 2

    Orks1.JPGBommerz over da Sulphur River - ork fighters 2

    Vanguard Miniatures 6mm Skinnerz fighters - counts-as fighta-bommerz
  18. Orks1.JPGBommerz over da Sulphur River - ork fighters 1

    Orks1.JPGBommerz over da Sulphur River - ork fighters 1

    Vanguard Miniatures 6mm Skinnerz fighters - counts-as fighta-bommerz
  19. Bommerz over da Sulphur River - Imperial fighters

    Bommerz over da Sulphur River - Imperial fighters

    Vanguard Miniatures 6mm Javelin fighters - counts-as thundrbolts
  20. Bommerz over da Sulphur River - Game

    Bommerz over da Sulphur River - Game

    Mocked up game