I've been picking at 2nd edition for a while now very slowly. I've been wanting to recompile the rules as well as add in some of the newer models that never had rules. While some units are easy enough (take X squad and change their wargear options, or take Y squad and give the Z's stats), I'm running into issues were I just have no idea how to set the point costs, and it's only going to get worse when I eventually get to armies like Necrons or Tau.
I know that Dark Millennium says that the Studio just kind of made up point costs, but I do wonder if there's a pattern to it and if anyone has ever sat down to workout at least a starting point for costing things.
I know that Dark Millennium says that the Studio just kind of made up point costs, but I do wonder if there's a pattern to it and if anyone has ever sat down to workout at least a starting point for costing things.