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How to sabotage your own success:
Step 1: sign up for a Necromunda campaign. Look forward to finishing painting the gang.
Haven't played in 4 years this is going to be at awesome
Step 2: Sign up for an inbetweeny comp with the plan of building a whole table of terrain
2 weeks leave! Plenty of time! So need Necro terrain
Step 3: Realise that being married with 3 kids means you no longer count as a bachelor. 2 weeks isn't as much time as you thought.
Step 4: Maintain the excitement! Sign up for the Yaktribe comp with an entry for a COMPLETELY NEW FACTION.
Step 5: Plan a highly converted model and commit to it online for the world to see.
Step 6: Mention this cool retro gaming to a mate who gets so excited he comes OUT OF GAMING RETIREMENT and buys paints and supplies....
Step 7: glue two pieces of your comp entry together over a period of 2 days. Then get a hold of 20 more models for the whole gang!!
Step 8: Start planning your Morka gang. Play Warmachine. Buy Car Wars. Book a day off work to go kayaking. Remember you still have a commission Bloodbowl team to paint. Start organizing a finale game for the stalled Flames of War campaign you are supposed to be running.
What was step 1 again?
On the plus side I have painted up my 4' x 4' folding board prototype. Hopefully photos to follow this week (if I get time!) and a possible field test Friday night.
If I can finish the shanty town by the end of January I should be right for terrain for both Necro and Gorka, albeit 4 weeks behind schedule.
Ooh...X-Wing... what a cool idea!
*le sigh*
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