GorkaMorka Alternative Gorkamorka Miniature Sources (image heavy)

15mm reinforcements for the Skinnerz!

Something for you 15mm Skinnerz collectors this evening, the first of two variants of resin truck to ferry your warbands around in. If these are popular we hope to add even more variants later, the model has been designed to be modular with expansion in mind.

The Gobblers field guns will also fit in the back quite nicely too.

15mm Skinnerz Wheeled Truck - £7.50






A resin cast multi part 15mm kit for the Skinnerz with 2 x random driver figures.

Kit contains:

1 x hull

6 x wheels

2 x drivers


Please move it to the right section if it isn't allowed here.
i was kinda hoping the one riding side-saddle would be a “female” mutant, but if it is it’s not obvious. think it’s supposed to be an action pose.
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So hey... with Speed Freaks coming this month and all.. Mantic decided to capitalize and make life a little kinder for a limited time for all your orky types.
They didn't say how long they're gonna have it available again but I imagine it will be till the buzz around Speed Freaks and the new codex wanes, or sooner. Anyway, cheap, fast dakka, what more do you want?!
Been trawling Thingiverse, and have noticed a few items of interest. Terrain-related bits have gone into the general "Scratch Built Terrain" thread on this section of the forum, but here are a few extras of interest:

Printable Rebel Grot Big Lugga:

Printable Rebel Grot Cutta:

Wrecker Ball Crane Gubbinz:


Two Buggies:
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There were a whole host of them. Dreadloque, Hearts of Oaque etc. Flintloque was the main one
A belated reply. The Flintloque goblins seem rather well suited to the "revolutionary" themes of the GRC. Despite being portuguese [and so allied to the British], their style of dress is very Napoleonic French [thus, The Revolution]. Plus, blackpowder weaponry on the whole suits the GorkaMorka grots.

Here's the company's painted up, though uniform colours could look more... ahistorical and rebellious:
Basing-wise, they come on the "old school" blobs of pewter, making basing them fiddley, I expect, especially on the desired "half-circle" GorkaMorka size bases. Still, I do like the look of them, and they are a Revolutionary look that doesn't date to 1917, which is surprisingly uncommon in Greenskin sculpts. That said, pirates are fairly common, by which I mean movie pirates, and that tends to be more 1700s than 1600s, which means American Revolution depending on the colour scheme you choose.

And speaking of pirates, does anyone know the scale comparison for these, from Privateer's Hordes?

Again, could easily be American Revolution, depending mostly on paint job.
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