An idea for a Gorkamorka Worlds faction.


New Member
Jul 17, 2022
So, I've been wanting to get into Gorkamorka for a while and I've been thinking of a faction I wanted to homebrew. I've heard of the idea of Gorkamorka worlds, where instead of the main planet of the original game we get to play on other worlds of differing environments given how much of a likelyhood there is that there are several Ork Space Hulks that have crashed onto a planet. Now we have human factions, ranging from the official Diggas and Muties to the fanmade dust rats (and some white dwarf rules for playing a hybrid of Gorkamorka and Necromunda), but I wanted to suggest a more out-there idea for a faction. A faction that may or may not make sense to be on an Ork infested world.

Space Marines!

Now how will this work? Basically, the lore idea I came up with as to WHY Space Marines would invade a Gorkamorka world without resorting to full invasion or exterminatus would be to train neophytes against the green tide by pitting them against wandering warbands of Gorkers or Morkers. So, the in-game faction would be more scout heavy (even though GW has made it harder to build a scout army with the removal of scout bikes and Land Speeder Storms, which would have been the main vehicles of the faction) you could have power armored marines, who would come with two wounds by default in comparison to the scout's one wound like an Ork... but they would also be much more expensive and your warband would need to have high favor with your faction in order to get power armored marines. One thing you would not be getting for obvious reasons is access to terminators. So, space marines would probably be more like a tanky version of Dark Eldar with their land speeders or go for bikes and rhinos.

I am wondering if this is a good idea conceptually, hence why I made this post. I know Gorkamorka is an Ork game, though Orks probably wouldn't mind being able to fight beakies when looking for scrap, which Orks would get a big scrap bonus if they take down space marines and their vehicles, along with looting said vehicles. I want to make sure the idea is balanced and makes sense lore wise. So, I'm open for comments.

Side Note: I've already got regular Boyz and Gobbos, so I just need some Orky Vehicles. I want to get Beast Snagga Orks to represent the Orks who ride on hogs, but I'm trying to remember if they're an exclusively Calvary faction or if I can run Beast Snaggas on foot with Beast Snagga squig calvary.
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This idea doesn't appeal to me, but that doesn't matter - it's your game; if you want space marines, then go for it.
So, I've been wanting to get into Gorkamorka for a while and I've been thinking of a faction I wanted to homebrew. I've heard of the idea of Gorkamorka worlds, where instead of the main planet of the original game we get to play on other worlds of differing environments given how much of a likelyhood there is that there are several Ork Space Hulks that have crashed onto a planet. Now we have human factions, ranging from the official Diggas and Muties to the fanmade dust rats (and some white dwarf rules for playing a hybrid of Gorkamorka and Necromunda), but I wanted to suggest a more out-there idea for a faction. A faction that may or may not make sense to be on an Ork infested world.

Space Marines!

Now how will this work? Basically, the lore idea I came up with as to WHY Space Marines would invade a Gorkamorka world without resorting to full invasion or exterminatus would be to train neophytes against the green tide by pitting them against wandering warbands of Gorkers or Morkers. So, the in-game faction would be more scout heavy (even though GW has made it harder to build a scout army with the removal of scout bikes and Land Speeder Storms, which would have been the main vehicles of the faction) you could have power armored marines, who would come with two wounds by default in comparison to the scout's one wound like an Ork... but they would also be much more expensive and your warband would need to have high favor with your faction in order to get power armored marines. One thing you would not be getting for obvious reasons is access to terminators. So, space marines would probably be more like a tanky version of Dark Eldar with their land speeders or go for bikes and rhinos.

I am wondering if this is a good idea conceptually, hence why I made this post. I know Gorkamorka is an Ork game, though Orks probably wouldn't mind being able to fight beakies when looking for scrap, which Orks would get a big scrap bonus if they take down space marines and their vehicles, along with looting said vehicles. I want to make sure the idea is balanced and makes sense lore wise. So, I'm open for comments.

Side Note: I've already got regular Boyz and Gobbos, so I just need some Orky Vehicles. I want to get Beast Snagga Orks to represent the Orks who ride on hogs, but I'm trying to remember if they're an exclusively Calvary faction or if I can run Beast Snaggas on foot with Beast Snagga squig calvary.
This was part of the intention of the GCE Gorkamorka Worlds concept - to allow people to run a campaign where they determine which factions their players want to field and construct a setting based on it. How far they want to go with fleshing it out is up to them (I'd probably go a bit nuts and have timelines, faction histories, and stuff like that because I am the way I am...).

If it was me I'd use the Shadow War: Armageddon rules for the Space Marines and some second edition 40K rules as a baseline for vehicles. Bear in mind that if you give them unrammable vehicles like Land Speeders you are giving them a big advantage and so will need to counterbalance it (it's why the Double Wokka rules have some weirdness to them). Ramming is a major source of armour penetration so it's rather important.
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