Battle reports

What batrep style would you prefer to watch for necromunda?

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Jan 5, 2021
Greetings tribe!

I've got an idea for how to present battles on my channel but I like them all 🤣 some take more time than others but who cares! Need some cool underhive stuff for us all to enjoy
You might want to disregard my vote, as I generally find it hard to keep interest in newcromunda. But I think an immersive experience could do it, less technicalities and dicerolling, more life in the characters, as it were. That being said, writers are told they should write what they'd want to read. The best style is the one that'll keep you exited about producing more!
You might want to disregard my vote, as I generally find it hard to keep interest in newcromunda. But I think an immersive experience could do it, less technicalities and dicerolling, more life in the characters, as it were. That being said, writers are told they should write what they'd want to read. The best style is the one that'll keep you exited about producing more!
That's actually a really helpful way to approach it that I've never thought of before 🙂 thanks
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I voted 2 because I would be voting against myself. :D I could easily side with 4 all the same! Necromunda is an under-played game on YT and I could certainly watch more!
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@drdrybrush , got a link to your channel? will happily follow and see how this turns out, always after stuff to have on as background while painting/working
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I’ve watched a few online and I do like seeing players... playing. I also like to see people’s setups!!

I think having beautiful scenery and models is great but don’t neglect showing setups people could realistically have too. It’s a balance.
(EDIT: it looks like you’re doing that ok).

As an example I do like Gorilla Miniature Games and Miniwargaming’s reports.

Realistically you could do elements of all 4 options.
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Went into it and I am lovin' it! Gimme more!

I'd agree with one of the YT comments (which probably is from one of the yaktribe locals anyways): In the beginning the music is a fair bit too loud while the servoskull is talking, making it difficult to understand.
BUT: The music itself and how it's integrated is very nicely done, keep it. Just a bit more quiet while Mr. Skelly is talking. :D

Love the establishing shots with the Gangs in the beginning, too. (Camera shots, not bullet shots! :) )

Offering a "birds eye" view after deployment (or as top down as the lenght of your arms allows) would be cool to also establish the battlefield, maybe marking up the mission targets, deployments etc. would be cool.

Edith says:
Narrating the post game sequence would be nice. Sometimes I'll have battlereports running while painting, so having the audio summary would be helpful.
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Went into it and I am lovin' it! Gimme more!

I'd agree with one of the YT comments (which probably is from one of the yaktribe locals anyways): In the beginning the music is a fair bit too loud while the servoskull is talking, making it difficult to understand.
BUT: The music itself and how it's integrated is very nicely done, keep it. Just a bit more quiet while Mr. Skelly is talking. :D

Love the establishing shots with the Gangs in the beginning, too. (Camera shots, not bullet shots! :) )

Offering a "birds eye" view after deployment (or as top down as the lenght of your arms allows) would be cool to also establish the battlefield, maybe marking up the mission targets, deployments etc. would be cool.

Edith says:
Narrating the post game sequence would be nice. Sometimes I'll have battlereports running while painting, so having the audio summary would be helpful.
Thanks for the feedback 🙂 shall take it all on board for the next one 🙂

Audio quality is high on the priority list for me so I'll be looking at ways to improve it in the editing, sometimes it's just like I've listened to something too much and I "hear" it instead of listen to it yknow?

Thanks for taking the time to watch and offer constructive feedback 🙂