N18 Been playing with a "Goliath" Gang.


New Member
Jan 22, 2021
For a house boasting some of the finest genesmiths in the local group, sometimes the patriarchs of House Goliath don't pay close enough attention to their Geneforges. In the lull between gang conflicts they mothballed a Geneforge Facility in the lower hive when it became infested with local pest animals, chewing wires, spoiling chemicals, tripping lab workers. Any large scale purge of the pests would damage the Geneforge equipment or taint the expensive synthetic elements used in the tanks. So in the grand old tradition of There Was An Old Woman Who Swallowed A Fly short-sightedness they applied pressure to an exotics trader and acquired a variety of reptiles which they set loose in the infested Geneforge. The plan was, give them a few weeks to clear out the infestation, then lure the reptiles back into their cages by using their behavioural chips. That is not what happened. There was a plague in the lower hive. And a particularly bad hivequake. Intermittent gang wars that crawled up from the undercity. A surprise Genestealer infestation. House Goliath were busy. Ten years later, house Goliath adjutants opened the Geneforge to find that a variety of lizards had made their way into the Vats and when slurried with Prime Goliath Genestock had undergone a bizarre form of anthropomorphisation. Rather than the long rumoured 'scaly mutants' who dwelt in the undercity, they found a small civilisation of enormous Scalies speaking passable High Gothic had evolved inside the facility, feeding themselves on the rich nutrient sludge still piped into the Goliath's Geneforge network. All they have had to read is a loose copy of "The Imperial Creed" and "A Pilgrims Guide To Nord Merican Cantons" explaining their peculiar naming conventions. They were polite to the House Goliath workers who discovered them, promptly handing over control of their behavioural chips to their long destined 'Masters' and in spite of being ten foot tall lizard people are model imperial citizens. In normal hive society, mutants of this calibre would be frowned upon, but in the underhive, full of cults, gangs, archaeotech nightmares and hostile agents from other houses, why not let the Genforged Synthscales loose on the expendable local populace.

I made a gang out of some lizardmen figures I printed, gave them junk armour and chainsaw weapons, and statted them using House of Chains Goliath rules. They are an all Melee gang, this is them after a few months of campaign time.

Geneforged Synthscales
Gang Info
Gang TypeGoliath (HoC)
CampaignGCTGA MkII
Gang Rating:3380
Reclamation Zone
Gang Stash
Isotropic Fuel Rod
Ratskin Map
IDNameCharacteristicsWargear, Skills & InjuriesXP
Forge Tyrant
Kills ❑❑❑❑❑
W:❑❑❑❑FW: ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑OOA:❑Rec:❑
Wargear: Armored undersuit, Bio-booster, Stimm-slug stash, Hazard Suit, Servo harness - Full, Bionic Leg (Mundane), Falsehood, Heavy Chain Cleaver, Natborn, Iron Flesh, The Tyrant's Own,
Skills: Nerves of Steel, Spring up, True Grit
Rules: Gang Hierarchy (Leader), Group Activation (2), Tools of the Trade
Kills ❑❑❑❑❑
W:❑❑❑FW: ❑❑❑❑❑❑OOA:❑Rec:❑
Wargear: Armored undersuit, Bio-booster, Stimm-slug stash, Hazard Suit, Falsehood, Heavy Chain Cleaver, Natborn, Iron Flesh, Prime Specimen,
Skills: Iron Man, Nerves of Steel, True Grit
Rules: Combat Chems Stash, Gang Hierarchy (Champion), Tools of the Trade
Kills ❑❑❑❑❑
W:❑❑❑FW: ❑❑❑❑❑❑OOA:❑Rec:❑
Wargear: Armored undersuit, Bio-booster, Stimm-slug stash, Hazard Suit, Falsehood, Heavy Chain Cleaver, Natborn, Iron Flesh, Prime Specimen,
Skills: Iron Man, Nerves of Steel, True Grit
Rules: Combat Chems Stash, Gang Hierarchy (Champion), Tools of the Trade
Kills ❑❑❑❑❑
W:❑❑❑FW: ❑❑❑❑❑❑OOA:❑Rec:❑
Wargear: Armored undersuit, Stimm-slug stash, Hazard Suit, Falsehood, Heavy Chain Cleaver, Natborn, Iron Flesh, Prime Specimen,
Skills: Nerves of Steel
Rules: Combat Chems Stash, Gang Hierarchy (Champion), Tools of the Trade
Bruiser (Specialist)
Kills ❑❑❑❑❑
FW: ❑❑❑❑❑❑OOA:❑Rec:❑
Wargear: Renderizer Serrated Axe*, Armored undersuit, Stimm-slug stash, Hazard Suit, Vatborn, Dermal Hardening,
Skills: Nerves of Steel
Rules: Gang Fighter (Ganger), Tools of the Trade
Kills ❑❑❑❑❑
FW: ❑❑❑❑❑OOA:❑Rec:❑
Wargear: Renderizer Serrated Axe*, Armored undersuit, Stimm-slug stash, Hazard Suit, Vatborn, Dermal Hardening,
Rules: Gang Fighter (Ganger), Promotion (Specialist)
Kills ❑❑❑❑❑
FW: ❑❑❑❑❑❑OOA:❑Rec:❑
Wargear: Brute Cleaver, Armored undersuit, Stimm-slug stash, Hazard Suit, Vatborn, Dermal Hardening,
Rules: Gang Fighter (Ganger), Promotion (Specialist)
Kills ❑❑❑❑❑
FW: ❑❑❑❑❑❑OOA:❑Rec:❑
Wargear: Renderizer Serrated Axe*, Armored undersuit, Stimm-slug stash, Hazard Suit, Vatborn, Dermal Hardening,
Rules: Gang Fighter (Ganger), Promotion (Specialist)
Kills ❑❑❑❑❑
FW: ❑❑❑❑❑❑OOA:❑Rec:❑
Wargear: Brute Cleaver, Armored undersuit, Stimm-slug stash, Hazard Suit, Vatborn, Dermal Hardening,
Rules: Gang Fighter (Ganger), Promotion (Specialist)
Kills ❑❑❑❑❑
FW: ❑❑❑OOA:❑Rec:❑
Wargear: Armored undersuit, Medicae Kit, Furnace Plates, Falsehood, Unborn Agility, Proto Goliath,
Rules: Fast Learner, Gang Fighter (Prospect), Hot-headed, Promotion (Champion), Tools of the Trade
Kills ❑❑❑❑❑
FW: ❑❑❑OOA:❑Rec:❑
Wargear: Armored undersuit, Medicae Kit, Furnace Plates, Falsehood, Unborn Agility, Proto Goliath,
Rules: Fast Learner, Gang Fighter (Prospect), Hot-headed, Promotion (Champion), Tools of the Trade
Chem Dealer
Kills ❑❑❑❑❑
FW: ❑❑❑OOA:❑Rec:❑
Wargear: Stub Gun,
Skills: Fixer
Rules: Steady Supply
Kills ❑❑❑❑❑
FW: ❑❑❑OOA:❑Rec:❑
Wargear: Bolt Pistol, Mesh Armor,
Skills: Fixer
Whisper Merchant
Kills ❑❑❑❑❑
FW: ❑❑❑OOA:❑Rec:❑
Wargear: Stub Gun,
Skills: Lie Low
Rules: Useful Lies
A fan-made gang starting with T8(!) and T6 figs might be a tough sell. Just say'n.

That said, kudos for the casual use of the word "anthropomorphisation." Just say'n.
A fan-made gang starting with T8(!) and T6 figs might be a tough sell. Just say'n.

That said, kudos for the casual use of the word "anthropomorphisation." Just say'n.
They aren't really fan made, they are using the straight Goliath gang building rules. The above stats were after a few months of the campaign, they only started with T5. T8 on the leader is two toughness upgrades and a Servo Rig.
I dont like it.

I love the story, and the idea. I'm less of a fan of the mass falsehoods and mass dermal hardening. It kinda feels like they would play like a CGC gang. Dont get me wrong, I'm sure they are scary as all hell in your campaign, and if everyone has gone balls to the wall style gang making it will be fine, but it doesnt appeal to me as being 'fun'.
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They aren't really fan made, they are using the straight Goliath gang building rules. The above stats were after a few months of the campaign, they only started with T5. T8 on the leader is two toughness upgrades and a Servo Rig.
Thought this was a starting gang. I missed the "few months of campaign time." Party on!
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Cool concept! If the rest of the gangs in the campaign are equally powered up, I'd imagine that it's a challenge to get wins while eschewing guns. T8 is great, but still gets killed fairly easily by BS 2+ Melta Guns. How is that working for you?
So I played last campaign, as Palanite Subjugators. Got stomped by GSC a bunch. So this time, I went in with some heavies, only to discover that some of the veteran players hadn't returned for the second campaign, and others had also switched fatcion, and so it was my toughness five heavies against some cawdor, escher and CGC built directly out of the box and a venator gang designed around hotshot lasweapons. The TO has some Slave Ogruns, which do essentially the same thing as me, so it's kinda like who can alpha strike first. And I have the Falsehoods. But in all seriousness, he's beat me at least once even with my heavies decked out with falsehoods, he's good at managing terrain and playing to the objective. Cawdor has beat me once just by drowning me in bodies. But overall, big, tough, beatsticks with sever weapons have been performing pretty great. I've been careful not to outright stomp the players with lower gang ratings which would be easy if I just rolled for missions, setting up missions that will challenge both of us has been the most rewarding part.
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