Ben's Bits n Bobs


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Each pillar has eight of these bits (two on each face). Each has 12 rivets. That's 96 rivets per pillar.

I didn't time how long this took me, but I don't think I'm going to bother with the remaining pillars...
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Yeah, that would probably be a workable solution. You'll need to get one of the dot points or carve the stock one into a point because they're usually flat like a screwdriver.
Also, I have one that I use to color in places that probably won't get seen but should be metal (the wheel behind the brake caliber on my converted Goliath bikes)
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I didn't time how long this took me, but I don't think I'm going to bother with the remaining pillars...
It is an exercise in insanity. I think you have to pick your riveting projects - I left the small ones and only did big ones.

Even then, it’s why I said I’d love to be able to 3D print a strip and just glue that on instead!!
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I haven't managed to do much for the last month or so for various reasons, mostly being busy at work and ill for four whole weeks. But I have tried some more head swaps on the other poses, which are a bit easier than the crossbow/handgun guys:

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I'm happier with how these ones have worked. I still need to decide what to do with the spear and what bases to use. One of these is on a 25mm base, because that's what I usually use. They would just fit on 20mm bases though, so I'm wondering whether I should get some of those, which would give me more options for using them (e.g., if I ever wanted to play WFB).
The Comp 54 theme is statues. I have a bunch of statues that I've made over the years already, but as it happens I had some 54mm Tehnolog figures that I'd been planning to turn into more statues at some point. So, this seemed a good time.

Since I've been doing dwarfs lately, these looked like good candidates:

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Since taking the photo, I clipped three off the sprue and scraped off some mold lines. (The plastic is a bit softer than GW, but not the rubbery stuff many toys are made off, so it was nice and easy.)

I need to find some way to base them. I've ordered some bits off eBay, hoping they will do the job, but won't know until they arrive. Probably won't be before Monday though, so don't expect any progress over the weekend.
My plan for basing was to stand them on a pile of MDF hexagons, something like this:

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I haven't decided how tall to make these. The original plan was six (x 3mm MDF), but the picture shows four and eight, to illustrate possible options.
How about all three at different heights? Might add a bit of dynamism, also it would make the pillars look a little like basalt formations (like the Giants Causeway) and you could lean into that a bit if you wanted.
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The 'layers' of MDF will be visible, so I was planning to make them look like layers of brick. I think that will be more plausible than natural basalt-type stuff (as cool as that idea is).

I was also starting to lean towards shorter pillars, but I hadn't considered the possibility of different heights. I'll give that some consideration, thanks.
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I’d like to support the varying heights suggestion as well. I think the two in your pic look really good at the different heights.
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I did think of something podium-like at first, but then I thought one taller one with two shorter ones. I'll have to look at the dwarfs and see whether one stands out as deserving a taller pillar...
The 'layers' of MDF will be visible, so I was planning to make them look like layers of brick. I think that will be more plausible than natural basalt-type stuff (as cool as that idea is).

I was also starting to lean towards shorter pillars, but I hadn't considered the possibility of different heights. I'll give that some consideration, thanks.
I was going to suggest the brick thing when I saw the layers - so good call. If you knock off the edges and carve vertical bricks in before assembly, you’ll have a very nice base for a brick effect.
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Not 'fighting' for the basalt idea but if you coated them in PVA and rolled them in fine sand (or painted with typhus corrosion) you could probably hide the layers.
As for what Statue would go on what pillar, I'd be inclined to have the mini with the tallest pose on the tallest pillar, and the shortest mini on the shortest pillar to accentuate the difference between them.

This has inspired me a little bit, going to root through my bits box and see if I can throw my hat into the ring for this comp...
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I wanted to work on these outdoors, because I gather the MDF dust is pretty nasty. Unfortunately, the weather's turned cold and wet here. This is going to reduce opportunities for outdoor hobby stuff. But, thankfully, I was able to get out of work early today so managed to do what I needed in the garden before dark.

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They're not yet glued in that picture, but I've since glued the piles together (2x 4 high and another 6 high). The dwarfs aren't glued in place yet, but here's a mock up showing roughly how it will look.

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Not sure when I'll get chance to prime them though. It should warm up a bit by the weekend, though the forecast is for HEAVY rain and strong winds all through, so probably not until some time next week.