N18 Blaze plus close combat


Jan 1, 2016
Blenheim, NZ
OK. So a fighter has been pinned following being hit by a blaze weapon. so they are basically on the floor and on fire but not out of action.

What happens if an opposing player charges them in close combat?
They stand up and are engaged in combat.
Under the 2023 rules fighters subject to the blaze condition don't get reaction attacks (page 68, 2023 book), so the -1 to hit back they'd normally have from getting up from being pinned to fight is irrelevant.

If they survive the attacker's post-charge fight action they get to scream then hope their comrades eliminate their opponent, otherwise on their next activation they take the usual S3 Ap-1, D1 hit from being on fire, then must attempt to put the fire out while standing (as they cannot go prone while engaged- that's a move-equivalent action they don't have access to). Hopefully by then they're surrounded by buddies who will give a +1 to the douse fire process (requiring a roll of 6 on a D6).

TL;DR version, they're a very easy target that can't fight back and has a minimum 17% chance of not being so when they next activate (if the burning doesn't make them Seriously injured first).