Boltmeet UK 2023 - Event Details - 27th & 28th May 2023

The fine men of the Bersaglieri have their truck shot out from under them for the second time in the day… should have painted it a sandier colour, chaps!
Undaunted and despite withering incoming fire, they advance towards the pesky Commonwealth Indian forces! Rumours that the flamethrower unit following them was for motivational purposes are greatly exaggerated.

A gaggle of the foe is sighted after a deft outflanking manoeuvre!
A fine example of modern and definitely not “obsolete before the war even started” Italian armour spots some kind of ugly British built tank, lacking any kind of pazzaz.
Meanwhile the brave elefantino AT gun crew, after a hearty lunch and small nap, decide to draw a bead on the ugly British tank.
The poor Lancia armoured car, rolling 15 shooting dice at a time, meets a sticky end at the mercy of a Grant. Americans supplying the Allies tanks! What is the world coming to!
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Hoo-Rah! Amurca! Hut-hut-hut and so forth... It's the US Airborne in this suspiciously lush and European part of North Africa!
After shelling their own positions with a preliminary bombardment (Just like ol' Pappy woulda done in the Great War), The mighty Sherman, making it's momma proud, punches an AP round right through the German's armoured car waay across the field (beside the suspiciously bottle shaped tower that must belong to a local distillery) whilst the world's luckiest jeep liberally distributes freedom seeds to a German LMG squad.
The Germans drove their transport truck directly into the path of a bazooka team... Results as expected. Worlds luckiest jeep attracts fire like donuts attract yo momma, but it shrugs them off - no mere bullet can stop a proud product of the Ford Motor Company!
The world's luckiest jeep keeps on fighting, despite everything the Germans throw at it, accumulating pins like it's going out of fashion. Still fighting on! They try panzerfausting it... result... crew stunned. No actual damage.
...until in true AMURCA fashion, the jeep is destroyed by their own Airborne squad getting totally confused and unloading into it with everything they had (FUBAR on an order test... To make it even more insulting, the order test was to get them to pull themselves together and Rally).
Not to worry, the 50cal team behind them also FUBAR'd the next turn, and unloaded into the squad that had destroyed the jeep 🤦(all together now, AMERRR-EEE-CAAAH! F*CK YEAH!).
That'll get them back in the straight and narrow!

I've lost every game of BA so far by the way 🤣
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Gotta sleep now, but I can’t wait to check on today’s action! Was there much after dark BFG? I definately want to see some Infinity pics too!
...oo...oo...what about battle tech?? (Im gunna struggle nodding off!)
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No BFG last night due to being knackered, but this is the big middle table table this morning:


I played one game of Battletech - it was good fun. Nice and clean and simple (before adding on the expanded rules anyway). Also, I won that one, which was nice! Didn’t take any pictures though.
Blitzkrieg!!! After several games learning about combined arms attacks the Desert Trolls destroyed some local Algerian rebels / Italian colonials by focusing on the left flank and leaving the right undefended.

The brave Italian 2nd Lieutenant El Stoofle led from rear, finally falling to a heroic charge on a Heer Vetren SMG squad @Stoof

This just in! Final moments of El Stoofle caught by observation plane!

See how he bravely stands as the vicious Hun closes in from both sides! Frozen in fear? Nay! Calmly still with stealthy intent!

Next game it was the DAK coming in against both confused Italians, and the commonwealth Indians - everyone trying to rescue/capture the same misplaced German. He's in the truck near the centre of the table, and needs to be escorted from the table by infantry.

I took a Luftwaffe observer with my DAK as I've never tried an air strike... Some likely looking Indians presented themselves, and in came the Stuka for some carnage!

The Indians of @Trafalgar Law smartly (cravenly?) decided not to take a catastrophic number of hits from the strafing run, and instead hit the dirt. Not such a choice available to a Quad Tractor, which was shredded by canon fire.

This final three-way game was a draw (my best BA result of the weekend). It was a fun one anyway, watching my Italian "dakkawagon" armoured car cause absolute carnage amongst the Indians at the hands of @Scavvierising was pleasing after it had accomplished essentially nothing during five games under my control. Likewise Bersaglieri squads that actually took out enemy units... It seems what my Italians need to succeed is to not be commanded by me...

The Italian AT gun was on usual form though, hitting my Panzer III four times but never causing more than a pin on it.

Oh and statistical likelihood decided to bless this game, giving us reasonable dice rolls... A nice change for me! Rolling 15 dice to hit on a 4+ but only actually hitting with one or two has been the general theme of my weekend.
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Headlines from the front…

Desert Three Way Action Satisfies No One As Sand Gets Everywhere!!!
“Dive bombing a Quad” historical fact or euphemism? "El Stoofle Vite" grafitto seen throughout Trolbruk...
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Obituary published in the left leaning Avanti Italian Newspaper, May 29th 1942.

“Il Stoofle brave Northern Italian anti-fascist anti-colonial leader of the little known Libyain Free Italians. Notoriously bad gambler, lost the family fortune playing dice games.

This bad luck transferred to the command of his ill timed North African Italian Spring Rebellion, which took place on the FRONT lines of the “Gentleman’s” war. Several confused bruising encounters took place with British forces prior to its vicious suppression by surprisingly well equipped German DAK forces.

Died leading a charge to freedom!

RIP Il @Stoofle”
***Hold the Press!!*** Avanti front page.

Il @Stoofle Vite!

It seems Il Stoofle was captured not brutally gunned down in the desert! Reports from the front suggest he was last seen trying to escape the dastardly Dutch Africa Korps whilst dressed in German uniform and being pursued by the evil colonial Brittish!

Libyan Free Italians under the far more competent command of Il Scavvier, Il Stoofle’s far more handsome, charismatic and younger Il tenente, successfully staged a rescue! More to follow….

Il @Stoofle Vite!

La leggenda vive!
***Hold the Press!!*** Avanti front page.

Il @Stoofle Vite!

It seems Il Stoofle was captured not brutally gunned down in the desert! Reports from the front suggest he was last seen trying to escape the dastardly Dutch Africa Korps whilst dressed in German uniform and being pursued by the evil colonial Brittish!

Libyan Free Italians under the far more competent command of Il Scavvier, Il Stoofle’s far more handsome, charismatic and younger Il tenente, successfully staged a rescue! More to follow….

Il @Stoofle Vite!

La leggenda vive!
As long as that traitorous inbred cowardly somaro of a tank driver stays dead I'm happy...
Home safe. First run out for the Desert Trolls and I think they are 2 wins / 2 losses so not a bad showing whilst I was learning to play.

Really enjoyed the Bolt Action turn mechanic and interaction between units. I like that all units need similar to hit rolls, toughness rolls etc no continuous checking of stats. It’s also sufficiently like 2nd edition 40k rules to make it easy to pick up for us old Grognards.

Transports/Unloading squads seemed a little OTT but I think we were getting some of the rules wrong / I didn’t know them. Same with vehicles we were only applying turn limits when it suited.

Regarding turn limits - I have always found things like "can turn one up to 90° pivot once during its move" to be a needlessly restrictive game mechanic in pretty much any setting. Most vechicles can and do happily snake along. As long as piss isn't clearly being taken* and you don't exceed the max move distance, I am guilty of both doing it myself and letting it slide when others do it. Unfortunately you can't write a rule of "don't take the piss" because everyone's piss taking levels are different (and depends on how many times they've failed an order test on a completely unpinned, elite unit that day, or totally failed to hurt or even hit anything with 15 dice that only needed 4+...)

(*looking at a certain illegally modified armoured car doing a three point turn and still scooting off up the road and round a corner to escape the AT gun at short range he hadn't realised was right in front of him :ROFLMAO: I put that one down to the driver's sudden adrenaline fuelled flight response!)