Building the warshed thread

The diagonal straps stop the rectangle from becoming a parallelogram when you apply force to the any of the sides or corners.

It won’t really stop twisting of the wall structure as it will only protect from forces that come from the same face it is fixed to, and only then for the section of the wall it is fixed to, as it won’t stretch to allow the wall to become convex but will buckle time allow the wall to become concave.

The main thing that stops walls from twisting (other than the rigidity of the timber and it’s fixings) is actually the rigid sheeting (usually) on the outside that forms a structural plane across the frame. It’s also usually this same structural plane that has the same function as the diagonal straps, but in cyclonic winds you are likely to lose the sheets as they are just big sails.

Shear strength is something completely different. It is a materials ability to withstand a shear failure, which is a failure in a parallel direction of the force. The failure can be straight (like a pair of scissors cutting a piece of paper) or diagonal (like you see in concrete columns when the top half comes completely loose of the bottom half and slides sideways to the floor).

Shear failure in a timber wall structure as a whole is unlikely to occur as only the most under strain structural member is likely to fail, rather than the whole wall. Even in the event of a timber stud failing it’s most likely going to be from compressive forces from above rather than lateral forces from the side, and that is most likely going to result in a split starting from one end and running out to an edge rather than a true shear failure because a timber post is actually a whole bunch of intertwined fibres rather than a homogenous material like steel or concrete.

Anyway I am starting to rant now so I will stop this post and go and have dinner with my family.


So the shed is going to be my workshop AND my little YouTube studio.

And when the wife says so, dog grooming parlour as well....

It Lives AGAIN!



Wish I had more pictures. Roof is on! Peel n stick is also on. Now I'm debating on putting some tin over the top verses a painted membrane roof.

Interesting fact. Tent in the foreground flew away later that day. I was hoping to leave it up during the week but the wind took it , stakes and all, and threw it off the cliff! Wife actually got to witness it flying by the cottage window. ho hum....

Walls are going up this weekend and our old kitchen cabinets are going in. Kitchen should be finished by this Friday. Operative work being 'should'. Stone countertops getting fitted. Fully plan on taking advantage of my wife's temporal state of happiness to sneak more plastic through the door. Once it hits that grey pile of sprues she'll never know. </diabolical laughter>
Interesting fact. Tent in the foreground flew away later that day. I was hoping to leave it up during the week but the wind took it , stakes and all, and threw it off the cliff! Wife actually got to witness it flying by the cottage window. ho hum....

Is this, um, normal around your parts? 😯

Makes me wonder if you've recently upset a local deity of the wind and it decided to take a sacrifice.
"How dare you build a storm-proof shed!!" *WHOOSH* 🌬
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My wife trained my kids to spot new LEGO sets (she can’t tell the difference) and rat me out. When they do, they get the set. I finally caved and just gave them the whole collection...

My Yakling is hitting Lego Age and after seeing those prices all of a sudden my wife doesn't get as angry at the 'Space Hammer" stuff anymore. $30 for a little bulldozer Lego kit. Lego "City". Really the end result is now I'd like to buy him the Lego kit and me more Blackstone Fortress stuff before it goes OOP. :X3:
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I’m not allowed... but I have a tiny one that covers gas for work, Crunchyroll, Yaktribe, and my work Coke habit.
Feels like it's been years since i've updated this thread but according to the time stamp - it's only about a month since me last picture posts.

Have a ton of photos on my mobile - have been to busy with real life to get them uploaded here. Shed has walls. yay. As soon as it had walls - wife filled it up with....STUFF. Both a blessing and a curse. So have almost a full sized fridge in the shed, cabinets but with the Mitre Saw, Table Saw, Doors for the main house and loads of power tools it needs way more work from someone that has better organizational skills, time and patience.

Power is run on extension from the main for now so technically I 'could' load up the fridge with beer and plan to one day soon but I've stopped drinking during this whole pandemic thing.
Working thru a bit of depression, nothing major just circumstances of what we have been dealing with. Clarification - what the entire planet has been dealing with. On top of that we had a miscarriage and the lil one would of been born by now. Toddler not handling it very well either and had a doggo pass away on us at the same time so lots of heavy convo at home. Hard times for all I know, but seriously have zero outlet at the moment. Seeking some professional help as it's physically affecting me as well. Doesn't help that i have a high stress job not sure the money is worth it. Board members have threatened ( jokingly ) to make me leave the office at 6pm - instead of going to the bar - going to start going to the shed after work. Even if I sit there and stare at the wall for an hour it maybe a good way to wind down and decompress.

I did get a few Blackstone Fortress boxes out of the attic. I actually opened one of the many egg cartons of models, took a few out, placed them on my nightstand, put them back and went do bed. That gave me a little bit of happiness.

So I'm up at the usual 4am. Working on the FIRE ( financial independence - retire early ) Plan. Might go full Captain Ron.
Will keep y'all posted. Thanks for listening.

Glad to hear the progress is coming along mate. Really sorry to hear about the other things you have going on. Seeking professional help is a very good call! But equally if you ever need to vent, drop me a message if you fancy just shooting the breeze. I truly hope your little un picks up a bit soon, I think once they do it'll kinda trick your brain into a more positive outlook too (not that there's anything wrong with feeling a bit crap at the moment either).
The Troll is also here to help if required - I’m more in the “I’ll abuse you/take the piss” camp of support for my fellow Yak though!

That said your checklist sounds like one of my internal monologues, I’ve been through some very similar things, but you, you lucky barstool, live on what I assume to be a sunny desert island with lots of rum!! I’d advise you to get your modelling stuff out and start a project its great for reducing stress, well it is at least for me.
I'm with Clockwork on this one. I'll abuse you and you'll love me for it.

I feel that you and I are Shed-Bros which makes you family in my book and for that I'm genuinely sorry to hear about your losses and understand why that will drop you into a mad funk. I also relate to getting lost in work as well- big time.

As for the wife filling the shed... well you need to address your perspective. She's hinting at you that you need to build *HER* a warshed of her own. Probably in pink. Thats a win win for you.

Here if you need us buddy. Any time of the day and in any state of inebriation.
I feel for you, my man. You sharing all that is really something not to be taken lightly. That you feel safe enough with the tribe to open up makes me feel grateful to be part of this community. From personal experience, talking to people about your depression is both the scariest and best step forward. I like to think of it as a heavy bag with too much stuff for one person to carry. By sharing the burden with those willing empathise, it makes it a bit lighter for you.
Probably in pink
As long as it's family friendly! I would always assume wives are naturally drawn to blue and gold of tzeentch, they always seem to have a paln, or a scheme, or a plan within a scheme!

But yeah, maybe the next plan is an extension to the warshed, or possibly the toddlers room as a soft play area that they can entertain themselves with while you have games in the next room/shed and be kept an eye on (who is keeping an eye on who I leave for your good lady to decide!)
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Very late here, but want to add my 2 demi-thrones:

Seeing a therapist is something which, in my opinion, should be viewed liked a routine checkup at your dentist or your GP, and it's good to hear that you're able to take advantage of professional help (even my socialist central European healthcare doesn't cover therapy, and I know how expensive it is from personal experience).

Hope you get through the bad times okay, they will pass, and I sincerely also hope you live up to your name and keep on truckin. The fact that I really enjoy both the pictures of the shed building and the view from your property which accompanies them might be a very minor factor as well, not going to lie.