This project started out with two goals- making an Uphive Agent and a set of bystanders for Down-Town Dustup- but spiraled out of control, partly because I realized getting stub guns for WYSIWYG townies would be difficult and the Orlock arms are a bit annoying to fit to other torsos. It’ll still happen, but for now I’m working on the easy stuff.
Left to right:
1. Uphive Agent. Cadian commander legs, Empire/Freeguild Greatswords torso and gorget (this is a temp job since I mistakenly ordered the wrong torso to fit the gorget to without having to file off detail; the correct one’s in the mail), Catachan medic head, Cadian commander arms. I like the head and its suggestion of a veil or mask, but the chin is quite pointy and I expect I’ll have to pick an alternate.
2. Slopper. Catachan command squad torso, IG vehicle crew legs, Catachan arms, Greatswords head. A simple job, but I wanted something kind of crude and low-rent- he’s wearing an undershirt and dog tags and a leather cap and I’d imagine doesn’t smell too nice. The closest to being done, bar cleaning the parts; the legs don’t offer a very dynamic pose so I tried to make it look like he’s either impatiently gesturing to the next poor son of a bitch in line for skip or threatening to gut someone. Or both.
3. Ammo-Jack. Catachan command squad body, Orlock head, shotgun shells from (I think) the Space Marine Scout Bikers kit? They’ll be finessed into place to cover up any imperfections once I scrape the Aquila off his flak vest. He’s got no arms, obviously, but once I can scare up a Catachan commander’s bolter arm and another big muscley right arm I can get a hammer into, I’m set. For a non-Thunder power hammer, I’m using one of the hammers from the Ravenwing command squad; depending on the arm I find, I might have it with an extended shaft and the head resting on the ground, or hoisted on his shoulder.
Next will be a Rogue Doc, which would be a little closer to completion if the needle from the Catachan command squad hadn’t arrived bent, and a Dome Runner. I think I want to base it on a Chaos Cultist body; look up GW Duncan’s House Griffith Kill Team in White Dwarf for the kind of convertibility that particular model has. And finally, because I’m a goddam maniac, an additional doc and two (!) Ammo Jacks with different poses and loadouts, so the maximum number of Hangers-On can be represented in a home Turf campaign mission.
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