Can a fresh Van Saar ganger recruit equip armour?

Short answer, Yes

Get that 4+ save you handsome irradiated devil

Please, can you elaborate a bit more your answer?

As you can see in my post on Reddit I kinda elaborated my position :)

I have no doubt about a Van Saar ganger can get an armor, I doubt that he can be equipped with it when you recruit him.

Thanks :)
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The intent seems to be for any fighter to be able to get Wargear at any time. That would be why they removed it from the ganger equipment list starting from GW3 (why they didn't remove Grenades from the list at the same time is a riddle for the ages.)

This is mostly based on 'clarifications' they issued over Facebook, but if you want some clue directly from the Gang War books then there is this gem from GW3, p12 ("Note that Juves can take Wargear") whereas Wargear has never been listed as an option for them in the previous books.
Of course it comes from the same book that removed Wargear from gangers and made it both a category and a sub-category for extra-confusion, so your guess as to whatever they meant with this is as good as mine.
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Could be that the "Note that Juves can take Wargear" was refering to what later became Equipment?
Re-reading GW4, it does say "Any fighter may take Wargear" on page 8. Sure, one could argue that's from the Cawdor gang composition rules, but there is no real reason for them to different from other gangs'. And since it's from GW4 the use of Wargear is unambiguous (though it makes gangers being able to take Grenades redundant.)
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Ok, I give up.

I still think this Wargear is refered to Equipment but it's not a big change so I won't fight the world for it :)

We will see what GW5 says about it or even better, some kind of official rules compendium ala Bloodbowl Almanac.