Necromunda Captain's Log

That is a bad ass bunch of Goliaths there @CaptainDangerous - I like what you have done to mix them up with the Catachans.

I can relate to the desire to remove the heads from the old plastics, but reusing them on other models? :confused: They are just so hideous, the only thing good about them is that they can be cut in half and carved down to make a collar that is ready to accept the new donor head you intend to use to improve the model! :D
I'm so happy you are back man! Hope you had a great holiday period/time/season (delete as applicable, I don't know what you Canadians say!? :p) I had to start talking about minecraft and ponies and magic and rainbows just to console myself from your absence! :p You've already made me lol several times tonight!:D
But anyway....ahem....I'm pleased you like my goliaths, I totally understand where you are coming from with the heads, but at the time it was kinda the only option I had! But as time has gone on I have warmed to them and with some of the more grotesque proportions of some of the men, I think the ugly mugs really suit them :D
All the best for 2017 mate :)
Goliaths FTW!
Interesting materials, the whiskey containers are clever, since they are sturdy, they should work great as towers!
Looking forward to seeing this evolve into a brewery!
Cheers nordheim :)
I like to think of them as mega Pringles pots but you may see them integrated with a rather nifty set of plastic tiles Iv just sourced from an ace, up and coming thread ;)
GOLIATHS! what is YOUR profession?
What a warm welcome! I am happy to be back - I always get a bit depressed at this time of year, but the Yak Tribe is always a happy place. By the way, I am English, not Canadian (I just spent most of my youth there.)

The packaging is certainly interesting (maybe reinforce the inside with some of that expanding spray foam for durability.) It will make a great looking structure with a few add ons. The whisky tubes will make great vats, but putting 'second best' in Balvenie malt containers is just a bit... sacrilegious :p
It's just sometimes I have trouble translating your French Canadian ....but yeah.... I also like maple syrup, thanks for sharing buddy! :p:LOL:
but putting 'second best' in Balvenie malt containers is just a bit... sacrilegious :p
And really really funny :p
Really glad you like my concept :D:D
I guess that's one way to look at it, some things more than others though!
I worked a couple of years with -among other things- sort hazardous waste.
The expanding foam was one of the things that surprised me that it was so cancerogenic, so I just thought it was worth mentioning.

But I guess the underhive is filled with hazardous waste anyway, to each his own!
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I was only messing around - I too am surprised that such a readily available and commonly used product is so carcinogenic. I am not a chemist or anything, but I should have guessed that anything that smells that awful must be bad for you.
I'll just make sure I open it with my tentacle, but thanks for the heads up nordheim! :p:D I'll probibly just pack it with paper, and I'll be incorporating them into a base or structure (to be honest, not sure yet) anyways. Abit like clockworkoranges power generator.....except not as awesome! :)
Im well impressed how you used science to look after the captains wellbeing tho, if there's ever an opening on the crumpet for a science officer you're definately first choice! :D

Who's there?....
Oh's you! I'm one of the captains agents, Agent Brown. The captain hasn't been here for a fair few weeks but he said you would be coming so has asked me to show you round his new propery!
Now bear (bare) in mind, the whole place is to be renovated, I mean everything stripped and repainted with suitable colours and decoration! I don't know who the former proprietor was, it may or may not have been his niece, but she definately doesn't know about the compulsory purchase, so the captain would appreciate your discretion and/or interior/exterior design ideas!?

Right .....hope you've all had a good look, and I hope you all good luck.......RELEASE THE RATS!

Hope you all like? This is going to be the Dukes palace casino, LOPB branch (land of the prince bishops/location of the promethium barons). It is going to be considerably less pink and will be considerably more skully! But it maybe some time before it gets done!
I was playing with the idea to use this in my comp entry as Mrs adorable's teddy bear and slaught production workshop, as a legitimate front for a genestealer cult, but i like this idea way better!
I hope you like duke, and once it's up and running and the machines are starting to pay for themselves, I'm sure to give you a cut of the profits! ......any creds I find under the tables I'm keeping for myself tho!
View attachment 10755
Who's there?....
Oh's you! I'm one of the captains agents, Agent Brown. The captain hasn't been here for a fair few weeks but he said you would be coming so has asked me to show you round his new propery!
Now bear (bare) in mind, the whole place is to be renovated, I mean everything stripped and repainted with suitable colours and decoration! I don't know who the former proprietor was, it may or may not have been his niece, but she definately doesn't know about the compulsory purchase, so the captain would appreciate your discretion and/or interior/exterior design ideas!?
View attachment 10753 View attachment 10754
Right .....hope you've all had a good look, and I hope you all good luck.......RELEASE THE RATS!

Hope you all like? This is going to be the Dukes palace casino, LOPB branch (land of the prince bishops/location of the promethium barons). It is going to be considerably less pink and will be considerably more skully! But it maybe some time before it gets done!
I was playing with the idea to use this in my comp entry as Mrs adorable's teddy bear and slaught production workshop, as a legitimate front for a genestealer cult, but i like this idea way better!
I hope you like duke, and once it's up and running and the machines are starting to pay for themselves, I'm sure to give you a cut of the profits! ......any creds I find under the tables I'm keeping for myself tho!

This is the best thing Ive seen on Yaktribe to date!!!

Soooo much laughter!!!! - hahahahahahaha
It wont be worth a penny until it has at least two sub-basements, a lap-pool, gymnasium, 'play room', bar & billiard room, S&M dungeon & home cinema.

Then we can think about putting it on the market for resale as part of a hedge-fund package.

Property prices in Slick-City are sky-high these days!!

(of course, its all just a front for an (illegal) non-sanctioned slaught and manifactorum reject combi-weapon chop-shop!)

Its funny to think that a "slaught-den / factory" could be a "legitimate" front for a Genestealer cult, ahhahahahahaha!
I'm so happy you like it duke!
And I'm also pleased everyone can look beyond the pink exterior! Not that I needed another mega project, but this is so good I can't resist it!
I'm also glad you like it too kommisar! I too would like to see naked girls, and not just behind windows, but as Mrs dangerous frequently makes me cover my eyes, on pain of death, this may prove slightly difficult to achieve :p:D
But in regards to the comp, I will definately have something to show by the end of the week - danger promise!
Thanks ptrix! You, llewy and fergyo are sure to get VIP pass cards once it's open, but mind, if you abuse the free tap water your diplomatic immunity will be revoked! :D
Unfortunately clockwork, the credits have already changed hands and all paperwork regarding the franchise has been signed and approved! ........but I know what I'm calling the private lounge now ;)
And I hope I can do you proud sump! :D
Just to help look past the pink, here's what Iv had my conceptual design servitor (and good friend ;)) draw up for you all .....
Just initial thoughts, but I'll be replacing the railings and using them for walkways, Iv had a look for the other pillar and can't find it so I'll be placing the one on the top to give the whole piece a 'spire' look. and I'll be painting the logo and approved design for the Dukes palace on the two banners and oval Plate above the arch. I was also playing with making the foliage a cup full of eyeballs, but not so sure.
If anyone has any ideas or would like to submit a design for the Dukes palace casino logo, all suggestions are warmly welcome!