View attachment 10755
Who's there?....
Oh's you! I'm one of the captains agents, Agent Brown. The captain hasn't been here for a fair few weeks but he said you would be coming so has asked me to show you round his new propery!
Now bear (bare) in mind, the whole place is to be renovated, I mean everything stripped and repainted with suitable colours and decoration! I don't know who the former proprietor was, it may or may not have been his niece, but she definately doesn't know about the compulsory purchase, so the captain would appreciate your discretion and/or interior/exterior design ideas!?
View attachment 10753 View attachment 10754
Right .....hope you've all had a good look, and I hope you all good luck.......RELEASE THE RATS!
Hope you all like? This is going to be the Dukes palace casino, LOPB branch (land of the prince bishops/location of the promethium barons). It is going to be considerably less pink and will be considerably more skully! But it maybe some time before it gets done!
I was playing with the idea to use this in my comp entry as Mrs adorable's teddy bear and slaught production workshop, as a legitimate front for a genestealer cult, but i like this idea way better!
I hope you like duke, and once it's up and running and the machines are starting to pay for themselves, I'm sure to give you a cut of the profits! ......any creds I find under the tables I'm keeping for myself tho!