Necromunda Cause a project can never be big enough. The Ashgrad Technoclasts and their assorted allies.


Yak Comp 1st Place
Jul 20, 2014
Melbourne, Australia.
Did you know that to a Van Saar gang there are currently 91 options for hangers on, brutes, allies and the like?
That's a lot of minis, a lot of time and a lot of effort.

So why wouldn't we do it?

My name is Spamuel and this is my thread.

I have a Van Saar gang by the name of The Ashgrad Technoclasts, based in the settlement of Ashgrad on the outskirts of The Dust Wall, they routinely brave the tunnels beneath the irradiated remains of Hive Secundus in search of tech, salvage and the ever present hope of an untouched dome.

Obviously this means you need a little more than just your average gang, so let's have a look at what we can take.

Bounty Hunter M3.
Bounty Hunter M4.
Bounty Hunter M5.
Brute Handler.
Bullet Merchant.
Cadaver Merchant.
Chem Dealer.
Cogitator Core Servitor.
Dome Runner.Hunts The Ash
Gang Lookout.
Hive Scum.
House Agent 1.
House Agent 2.
House Agent 3.
Iron Automata.
Mutated Ogryn.
Rogue Doc.Doctor Heirolious Book III.
Scrapcode-Corrupted Ambot.
Servitor Ogryn.
Sump Beast.
Warp Horror.
House Allies.
Catallus Masked Killer.
Catallus Mindfrayed.
Greim Jagerkin.
Greim Krieg Mester.
Ran Lo Auditor
Ran Lo Bodyguard
Ulanti Courtier.
Ulanti Mirror Mask.
Criminal Allies.
Cold Trader - Void Born Scum 1.
Cold Trader - Void Born Scum 2.
Cold Traders - Bosun.
Cold Traders - Cold Trader.
Fallen Houses - Rebel Lord.
Imperial Imposters - Master Charlatan.
Narco Lords - Hive Scum 1.
Narco Lords - Hive Scum 2.
Narco Lords - Hive Scum 3.
Narco Lords - Hive Scum 4.
Narco Lords - Hive Scum 5.
Psi-Syndica - Mind-Locked Wyrd.
Rogue Factoria - Factoria Overseer.
Rogue Factoria - Factoria Worker 1.
Rogue Factoria - Factoria Worker 2.
Rogue Factoria - Factoria Worker 3.
Rogue Factoria - Work Party Boss.
Guild Allies.
The Corpse Guild - Bone Scrivener.
The Corpse Guild - Corpse Grinder 1.
The Corpse Guild - Corpse Grinder 2.
The Corpse Guild - Pale Consort.
The Guild of Coin - Groveller 1.
The Guild of Coin - Groveller 2.
The Guild of Coin - Master of Coin.
The Guild of Coin - Skinflint.
The Iron Guild - Hive Scum 1.
The Iron Guild - Hive Scum 2.
The Iron Guild - Hive Scum 3.
The Iron Guild - Hive Scum 4.
The Iron Guild - Hive Scum 5.
The Promethium Guild - Cynder 1.
The Promethium Guild - Cynder 2.
The Promethium Guild - Pyrocaen Lord.
The Promethium Guild - Pyromagir.
The Slave Guild - Chain Lord.
The Slave Guild - Pit Fighter 1.
The Slave Guild - Pit Fighter 2.
The Slave Guild - Shakleman.
The Water Guild - Master Nautican.
The Water Guild - Subnautican.
The Water Guild - Syphonite.
Gyrinx Cat.
Hacked Cyber-Mastiff.
Hardcase Cyber-Mastiff.
Necromundan Giant Rat.

This obviously allows for both legal and illegal trading, law abiding and outlaw alliances and everything in between.
Not to mention the fact that this list should (hopefully) get a few options bigger in a few different sections with the upcoming House Of Faith book!

But let's be honest, we Necromunda players are gluttons for punishment, especially when it comes to our minis!

I am wanting to make each of these minis unique, so that means trying to kitbash or convert each of them to suit my vision of Ashgrad.

Pictures of the first few on the list will come soon, but I'll get a few pictures of The Technoclasts up here.

My assorted WIP for the gang, including a very rough start to my leader and a few pre-detail and grime bases.

Until next time.
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This is an impressive introduction, and a massive project to fill all those slots. Good luck and happy modeling!
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@Punktaku, @Mr. M, thanks for the kind words.

Who (or what) is the guy with the ungor head?
That is my Subtek Grubb Half-Saar. I think it's the Daeyglow Dragons who are known for abhuman members, but I reckon the Technoclasts do alright with their own.

Finally had an opportunity to dig out a few of the hangers on I had already started, all in varying states on construction!

First up is my Dome Runner, one of a handful of Ratskin minis that I have planned.
She is almost 100% the Jagathra mini from The Godsworn Hunt, with an Escher pistol and knife. An easy and common conversion, but I like her!

Here we have an Ammo Jack, one of like 9(?) scum I need to make, an Ogryn and the very rough beginings of a Rogue Doc.

And last up for today is the start of my slopper, BarBot!
The Technoclasts are bases in a tech bazaar and bar by the name of The BaneWolf Bar and Grill. The distilleries of which are built from the reclaimed chem tanks from a pair of decommissioned Bane Wolf tanks.
With all the tech flowing through the bazaar, the denizens of Ashgrad are experts in claiming and rebuilding the strange and esoteric machinery that filters its way through the traders and scavs returning from the wastes surrounding Secundus.
BarBot made its way into the hands of the Technoclasts and serves them happily in its capacity as cook and wait staff.

Until next time.
Very ambitious! And lots of great idea so far in this thread! (BarBot is particular is inspired!) I'll be following with interest!
Thankyou very much! I hope I keep it interesting for ya!

May you ever walk with The Emperor!
I 1000% approve of this project.
There’s gonna be a bit of love for Big-E in this thread for you, I hope there’s some more coming from the new HoF book too!

Not a huge update today, been super busy in the real world!

Started mocking up my first rogue doc a while back, you might remember him?

but I managed to SOMEHOW find a tiny pipe from my dwarves bits box and immediately started this old gentleman!

In my mind he’s the type of old fella who smokes a pipe all day and tells everyone he’s got the lungs of a 20 year old.
Still working on his background, but I’m imagining him as a third son from a minor house. Joined the militia to spite the parents but turned out to be a pretty good doctor.

Scored a few choice bits this week, so I’ll have some new minis on the bench this week.

Until next time.
Thankyou very much! I hope I keep it interesting for ya!

There’s gonna be a bit of love for Big-E in this thread for you, I hope there’s some more coming from the new HoF book too!

Not a huge update today, been super busy in the real world!

Started mocking up my first rogue doc a while back, you might remember him?

but I managed to SOMEHOW find a tiny pipe from my dwarves bits box and immediately started this old gentleman!

In my mind he’s the type of old fella who smokes a pipe all day and tells everyone he’s got the lungs of a 20 year old.
Still working on his background, but I’m imagining him as a third son from a minor house. Joined the militia to spite the parents but turned out to be a pretty good doctor.

Scored a few choice bits this week, so I’ll have some new minis on the bench this week.

Until next time.
Wow that's a pretty great rogue doc model! do you recall where the torso came from? I'lm looking to create a few rogue docs of my own and that looks like one of the most promising models yet.
This guy has loads of character! Going to fun to paint
Thanks mate, he sure was!

That pipe is classy af
Necromunda is the only place that smoking is 100% classy AF!

Wow that's a pretty great rogue doc model! do you recall where the torso came from? I'lm looking to create a few rogue docs of my own and that looks like one of the most promising models yet.
Thanks mate, the torso is from the imperial guard tank cupola crew member, they're usually officers/gunners.

Apologies to you all, my progress has been pretty haphazard this last few weeks.
My guild appointed habitation companion recently spawned our clan a new juve! The little fella is now a whopping 8 weeks old and still doesn't have a bloody job! I won't send him to the local Astra Militarum recruiter yet though, I'm pretty fond of him...

But I managed to slap a little paint on the doc, it's a bit dirtier than I wanted, so I will be cleaning him up pretty soon.

Here he is with Taniwha, my Augmek.

He manages to have all 3 of my least favourite things to paint.
1. WHITE!!!!
2. Skin.
3. Eyeballs. (Well, he only has 1, but it was a pain!)

I realised my white paint was horrible and gluggy, so I was limited to just the contrast white. I'll be getting myself some more white on the ASAP!

I also managed to get a bit of a start on a photo backdrop, I wanna get a couple of these done for larger shots, but the key requirement will be ensuring they all join into one larger backdrop.

The backdrop will be based in the service tunnels leading underneath the ash wastes and into Hive Secundus.

This was one hell of a night, lined up a few tasty wildsnakes, a freshly grilled sump rat and just let the sump gods guide me!

There are a lot of little gubbins to add to this bad boy, graffiti on the wall above that access panel, skulls from slaughtered hybrid creatures on those shelves, maybe a body or two?
All in all, I am really happy with how it came together, not to mention how it will all pull together when I have the next section done!

The new Yakcomp is up and it's a doozy!
You know I am going to see if I can get myself something pulled together that suits the theme! Of course the definition of "old" can be bent to mean a lot of things....

Until next time.

Thanks to everyone for their words on the juve, he's surprised us all and gotten his first job!
Turns out he has declared himself as sentry for my gang hideout and screams whenever anyone gets too close to our turf.
At least that's what I'm assuming he's doing, I guess he scares the intruders away?

Had a little bit of hobby time on my hands and got a start on my Agitator.

The crew doesn't really like the guy, but they can't argue with his reliability. Also, he looks like a really stuck up bastard...

My next WIP is a mix of this list and the latest Yakcomp. "It Belongs in a Museum!”

Listening to the Eye Of Horus podcast, the lads were talking about the outlaw brutes, this got me thinking about some very cool ideas for Sump Beasts.

First idea off the list is this guy.

Necromunda wasn't always Necromunda and the rules on AI weren't always so strict...
I've got plans for a couple of these lads, the original idea was shamelessly stolen from instagram and the amazing works of @martycarcosa.

But it's Mother's Day here in the Australis Hive, so I had best be off to ensure my guild appointed habitation companion enjoys her day!

Until next time.
Good afternoon scummers!

I hope you’re all doing well, or at least better than all of us in the Great Southern Hive. Our sector has had another spike in the zombie plague and the nobles have locked us down again.
Being a lamplighter, I’m apparently essential, even if my boss doesn’t pay me like I am!

The juve has a new favourite game, it’s called “Drool on my father when his mouth is open”.
Honestly, I’m not very good at it, he always seems to win!

Not a lot of hobby time this last few, but I did manage to knock out the Yakcomp entry.

The Gemini Class Assault Automatia C.S-T.R was rediscovered by The Technoclasts during a foray into an outer industrial sector of Hive Secundus. The unit was defending the remains of another of its kind, P-0L-X, when it was almost overcome by the denizens of that cursed and irradiated ruin.
The Technoclasts attacked the xenos abominations from behind and rescued the machine and it’s fallen comrade.
Utilising their contacts within the militias, rogue Tech Priests and the wretches who inhabit Ashgrad, the two metal monsters were smuggled back to the gangs workshops and restored to working order.
Though the gang would be hesitant to call the machines their own, the allegiance of such powerful comrades has turned the tides on several occasions.

Internet points to whomever can guess where I got the naming ideas for this one.
Obviously the little story mentions two of these machines, but I haven’t gotten around to putting the second together yet.

Until next time.
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