N18 Cawdor and the Path of the Doomed


May 21, 2021
Hi all

I just wanted to ask if anyone has any input on how over powered Cawdor can be and even more so with the Path of the Doomed

Couple of highlights

A standard thing for Cawdor, if you have a standard Ganger in your starting crew, you can take one extra Ganger (just one, not one for each), if you have a standard Juve, you can take D3 extra Juves (again, just once, not per Juve)

Because of when this is done, I have said that it needs to be added to their Gang Rating which may trigger an underdog bonus

So straight away they have between 2 and 4 extra fighters on the board

Then we move into the articles of faith

With the path of the doomed there are 3 nasty ones

First, blinding light, the fighter invokes a bubble of light that surrounds all fighters within 8" and any one inside, can not target outside of this bubble (ranged attacks) or be targeted by enemy fighters (ranged attacks) that are not within 3"

The next, they have a article of faith which allows them to bring on D3 extra fighters (any Cawdor fighter) on the table edge closest to the fighter invoking the article of faith and not within 9" from an enemy fighter, they come on with a ready marker

This is so OP, in turn 2 two extra fighters came on, one with a grenade launcher, and of course, two extra fighter to generate faith dice, so turn 3, two more come on

And the final one, this article of faith makes the enemy gang include any seriously injured or out of action Cawdor fighters in the number of total fighters used for their bottle check

The amount of games the Cawdor gang has won by this article of faith alone is just crazy

I have read the rules so many times as it seems way to over powered but this is the way it is meant to be played

Now of course I can nerf this, but its something I don't think is fair for me to stop rules being used because of how OP they are as there are many OP rules in Necromunda

Any input would be awesome
Best help I can offer, on the "+d3 reinforcements" article of faith is the second part (per vox) - hopefully you're bearing it in mind as it might bite the player in their silly bum: "However, should the Threshold test be failed and this Article of Faith not be invoked, one randomly determined fighter belonging to this fighter’s gang that is not part of the crew for this battle is immediately taken Captive by the enemy gang."

Might help?