N18 cawdor devout masses


Gang Champion
Jan 16, 2022
sorry for the newb question but.....
does the rule 'devout masses' give a gang free bonepickers or are they from your gang roster?

thanks in advance
Both the extra brethren and bonepickers have to be on your gang roster.

Its just an incentive to build a bigger gang. So say, on a Custom(10) ganger scenario, a cawdor player can choose their crew of 10 plus they get one free brethren and d3 bonepickers for that game. So in a Custom(10) game, a cawdor player could have between 12 and 14 models from their gang in play from devout masses alone (this even goes up when you start using tactics cards and the article of faith from the Path of the Doomed).
Both the extra brethren and bonepickers have to be on your gang roster.

Its just an incentive to build a bigger gang. So say, on a Custom(10) ganger scenario, a cawdor player can choose their crew of 10 plus they get one free brethren and d3 bonepickers for that game. So in a Custom(10) game, a cawdor player could have between 12 and 14 models from their gang in play from devout masses alone (this even goes up when you start using tactics cards and the article of faith from the Path of the Doomed).
thanks a lot for this
Wolf answered the question. I'm just here to say, as a fellow Cawdor player, you're definitely going to want at least another Cawdor gang box once the campaign starts going on a while. I have two boxes and one Redemptionist box, and I'm considering a second one of those. The ability to use faith and just throw numbers at an enemy is amazing, especially in scenarios with a lower crew count. Your opponent might be limited to a crew of 5 or 6, and you can end up with double or triple as the game goes on. It makes Cawdor a frightening gang to face.
Wolf answered the question. I'm just here to say, as a fellow Cawdor player, you're definitely going to want at least another Cawdor gang box once the campaign starts going on a while. I have two boxes and one Redemptionist box, and I'm considering a second one of those. The ability to use faith and just throw numbers at an enemy is amazing, especially in scenarios with a lower crew count. Your opponent might be limited to a crew of 5 or 6, and you can end up with double or triple as the game goes on. It makes Cawdor a frightening gang to face.
thanks for that , im just starting on my second box of cawdor.
ive put pictures of the gang so far on the gallery. look for the 'book keepers'